Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology
Psychology Terms defined from A to Z
Psychology selected terms: 184 page 1 of 8

1. Early Islamic philosophy Early Islamic philosophy or classical Islamic philosophy is a period of intense philosophical development beginning in the 2nd century AH of the Islamic calendar (early 9th century CE) and More… 2.7 KB
2. Early Memories Self-reports of one's early (or earliest) memories from childhood. Alfred Adler proposed that the features of an individual's earliest memories provided an excellent representation More… 0.8 KB
3. Early childhood education It spans the human life from birth to age eight. Infants and toddlers experience life more holistically than any other age group. Social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and physical More… 9.9 KB
4. Eastern philosophy Eastern philosophy includes the various philosophies of Asia, including Indian philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Iranian philosophy, Japanese philosophy, and Korean philosophy. The term can More… 1.0 KB
5. Eating disorder Marked disturbance in eating behavior. In DSM-IV, this category includes anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorder not otherwise specified.
6. Ebbinghaus Hermann German pioneer in the field of learning (1850-1909). Ebbinghaus attended th universities of bonn, Halle, and Berlin. After graduating from Bonn he studied independently for the next seven More… 0.8 KB
7. Ebbinghaus illusion An optical illusion of relative size perception. In the best-known version of the illusion, two circles of identical size are placed near to each other and one is surrounded by large circles More… 1.3 KB
8. Echoic store A sensory MEMORY that lasts for a second or two following an auditory stimulus. The auditory equivalent of an ICONIC STORE.
9. Echolalia 1- The immediate and sometimes pathological repetition of the words of others, often found in autistic children. In delayed echolalia this inappropriate echoing takes place hours or weeks More… 0.5 KB
10. Echolocation A technique for locating objects in the environment by emitting sound waves and then PERCEIVING them as they reflect back off the objects. This technique, which is the basis of More… 0.5 KB
11. Echopraxia The involuntary repetition or imitation of the observed movements of another. Even though it is considered a tic, it is a behaviour characteristic of some people with autism, Tourette More… 0.4 KB
12. Eclampsia Eclampsia, an acute and life-threatening complication of pregnancy, is characterized by the appearance of tonic-clonic seizures in a patient who had developed preeclampsia; rarely does More… 2.8 KB
13. Eclecticism In psychology, the view that more is to be gained by employing concepts from various theoretical systems than by restricting oneself to a single theory.
14. Ecological Systems Theory Ecological Systems Theory, also called "Development in Context" or "Human Ecology" theory, specifies four types of nested environmental systems, with bi-directional More… 5.0 KB
15. Ecological psychology A term claimed by a number of schools of psychology. However, the two main ones are one on the writings of J. J. Gibson, and another on the work of Roger G. Barker, Herb Wright and More… 2.5 KB
16. Ecological validity The validity of the Research outside the research situation itself; the extent to which the findings are generalisable to other situations, especially "everyday" situations. The More… 0.4 KB
17. Economic psychology 5Behavioral economics and behavioral finance° are closely related fields which apply scientific research on human and social cognitive and emotional biases to better understand economic More… 9.2 KB
18. Economic viewpoint One of three metapsychological positions explicitly formulated by Freud concerned with the distribution, transformations, and expenditure of psychic energy.
19. Ecopsychiatry Scientific concept describing the basic and applied relationship between living things and their environment. These are assumed, by their presence or absence, to affect mental health.
20. Ecopsychology It connects psychology and ecology. The political and practical implications are to show humans ways of healing alienation and to build a sane society and a sustainable culture. Theodore More… 5.6 KB
21. Ecstasy Scientific name is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy- N-methylamphetamine), most commonly known today by the street name Ecstasy (often abbreviated E, X, or XTC), is a semisynthetic member of the More… 22.1 KB
22. Ectoderm It is the outer layer of embryonic cellular structure which develops into the outer skin, the nervous system, the organ of special sense, the pineal gland and part of the pituitary.
23. Ectomorphy It is a one of the three primary dimensions of body type. An ectomorph is one whose physique is dominated by the embryonic ectodermal component, the outer skin and the nervous system.
24. Educational psychology The study of how humans learn in educational settings, the effectiveness of educational interventions, the psychology of teaching, and the social psychology of schools as organizations. More… 1.5 KB
25. Edward Bradford Titchener D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D. (January 11, 1867-August 3, 1927) was an Englishman and a student of Wilhelm Wundt before becoming a professor of psychology and founding a psychology laboratory More… 1.7 KB

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Psychology Dictionary Terms