Frequency distribution of the Pi, e, and Sqrt(2)
(1 trillion digits)
Digit count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pi 99,999,485,134 99,999,945,664 100,000,480,057 99,999,787,805 100,000,357,857 99,999,671,008 99,999,807,503 99,999,818,723 100,000,791,469 99,999,854,780
e 100,000,379,385 100,000,393,071 100,000,003,394 100,000,058,645 100,000,013,702 99,999,808,185 99,999,441,259 100,000,326,136 100,000,156,164 99,999,420,059
sqrt(2) 99,999,581,178 99,999,990,854 99,999,633,795 99,999,868,965 100,000,203,296 99,999,787,306 99,999,740,024 100,000,220,602 100,000,574,888 100,000,399,092
* This calculation of 1 trillion digits used the software that Alexander J. Yee had made.
* This software is extremely excellent software !!!

Some of same digits(12 or more) for decimal digits of Pi up to 1 trillion digits
constant digit position decimal
Pi 7 368,299,898,266 0126215941 0455525160 9930459036 8137462233 6753824828 8903561683 7265177777 7777777626 6054396582 8973176936 : 368,299,898,300
Pi 9 897,831,316,556 5526242728 5281119550 6108139682 0842423001 1494961536 1258599999 9999999386 0579300313 4367370861 2170533599 : 897,831,316,600

Some of same digits(12 or more) for decimal digits of e, and Sqrt(2) up to 1 trillion digits
constant digit position decimal
e 0 23,778,741,180 3315827737 6455294542 0340986786 9368057412 4831198316 3648402898 8068324526 1611842560 0000000000 0945026482 : 23,778,741,200
e 1 78,330,594,216 4618505207 0167011111 1111111578 0954797499 9578692393 9766169116 7239880030 7306639157 3559383307 2811417833 : 78,330,594,300
e 7 351,838,876,534 7485890227 2780291278 5209121374 3827777777 7777796131 5724393094 4099720771 6907696729 0860778265 6321332372 : 351,838,876,600
e 7 395,954,841,113 8342959941 4977777777 7777384039 0514676329 3973361161 6461589264 2675798843 5630122770 3501532623 1089075921 : 395,954,841,200
e 5 480,785,177,769 7148812627 8211597011 7113284145 5661603012 2045237369 2476328252 1934788855 5555555555 8055781980 9093711108 : 480,785,177,800
e 5 795,561,703,674 1827394092 4361919468 1919898796 3151121136 1546498458 4601339401 6890644336 7395555555 5555543297 3673828971 : 795,561,703,700
e 2 815,802,865,255 3996956271 1962845477 4997315714 2379230920 8913053899 7459222222 2222227939 2273848343 3425481309 8968056221 : 815,802,865,300
e 5 872,002,127,987 6493313603 3439145005 2255717583 7137165793 8151644658 3406807995 7047647576 3701478796 6644025555 5555555538 : 872,002,127,000
e 0 905,866,183,894 0285305238 9393498402 2788375938 8118624944 5794391183 8941711563 2100340277 2805065726 9770209568 8560000000 : 905,866,183,800
0000069618 2274944918 2223902221 2545280656 2534089620 1096124294 4969634260 1143115744 4061071305 6259979249 : 905,866,183,900
e 0 955,743,733,344 2656625672 7134644241 3471072103 6264465270 4330000000 0000086844 2746357355 3338803628 8185131658 8935346918 : 955,743,733,400
sqrt(2) 0 64,678,262,264 9685421829 6681585442 5506256640 1752557809 2326650258 3632465125 8050000000 0000074542 0624221401 9621462771 : 64,678,262,300
sqrt(2) 3 212,644,724,016 2415473266 3794133333 3333333341 4803066418 1087308228 4617829779 7247539360 3260201129 6618569473 1088832619 : 212,644,724,100
sqrt(2) 3 252,203,334,282 6716725781 0636637594 4690926221 0416221859 6360680146 9227604608 4897871198 2018125835 1333333333 3338522452 : 252,203,334,300
sqrt(2) 3 295,290,614,608 1915571333 3333333334 2301465266 8280445731 5563678248 7882741510 6666426824 1804052979 1166132373 6037151658 : 295,290,614,700
sqrt(2) 0 310,619,603,083 6234870405 2714148631 3513667539 4380868198 0390956726 2658280913 6056775850 9511375908 5800000000 0000805073 : 310,619,603,100
sqrt(2) 1 391,456,165,857 5560790575 1037688630 2044824514 0433478832 1950809738 7942291111 1111111135 0750543624 3844472490 3076692791 : 391,456,165,900
sqrt(2) 9 579,662,060,309 8034413799 9999999999 4095932360 2556858916 0193392466 2239378436 0862403239 2933617452 1017451950 3676381790 : 579,662,060,400
sqrt(2) 4 719,523,846,295 8999169292 2121518625 0625024616 6261729607 6660233677 3698951206 0242653024 1186668981 0807749261 7536444444 : 719,523,846,300
4444442979 5887081567 7796115222 3695610235 4104962499 5684305969 1842430812 6317833245 1212506473 5955313091 : 719,523,846,400
sqrt(2) 9 887,586,776,253 9859344380 6056469248 0554477767 3668308381 6717624479 3299999999 9999687243 8396042317 3590550390 6895528171 : 887,586,776,300
