SEED Science

Air and Space


Air and Space

Air & Space

  • What Is the Path of the Sun?

    The expanding balloon

    It’s not difficult to trace the sun's path. You can use either reflected light or ordinary shadows… read more  

  • Design Your Own Universe

    Design your own universe

    You determine the fate of the universe… read more  

  • The Hubble Constant: Effect of Distance On Speed

    The Hubble Constant

    Use a rubber band, to understand how Hubble's discovery makes sense.… read more  

  • Build Your Own Star

    Design your own universe

    Set the initial characteristics of your star then see its life story unfold…read more  

  • Air Resistance

    Air resistance

    See how a parachute affects the velocity of a falling skydiver… read more  

  • Galileo Drops the Ball 

    Galileo drops the ball

    Find out why Galileo is wearing a space suit… read more  

  • The Doppler Train

    Doppler train

    When a train passes you the pitch of the sound of the whistle drops as the train speeds past you. Is the pitch really changing? read more  

  • Build a Doppler Buzzer Ball

    Doppler game

    Listen to the "Doppler Effect" in action, then build your own buzzer ball and hear for yourself… read more  

  • The Expanding Balloon

    The expanding balloon

    Using a balloon we can begin to understand what is going on in the universe… read more  

  • Friction Explorer

    Friction Explorer

    How will an object behave when you vary the force you push it with… read more  

  • Make a Parachute

    Make a parachute

    Have you ever thought about what it would be like to jump out of an… read more  

  • SEED Parachute Contest

    SEED Parachute Contest

    How good a parachute can you create? read more