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26 March
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Summer of action

UNISON speaking up for public services
This week, it was revealed that changes to the way the NHS is funded will mean less money for healthcare in deprived areas.

The Tory-led coalition wants to give more money to richer areas, and less funding to poorer neighbourhoods. Set to lose out are initiatives that help people stop smoking, promote healthy eating and the benefits of exercise.

Their plans will widen health inequalities in this country. Already, the Government’s demand for £20bn in so called "efficiency savings", is creating a postcode lottery of care, with some people waiting longer, in pain, for their operations.

The pattern emerging under this Tory-led coalition is for those at the bottom to pay the price for the recession. And this really is a matter of life and death - there are already lower life expectancies in poorer areas of the UK. UNISON is campaigning for properly funded, decent healthcare for all. Join us here http://www.unison.org.uk/ournhs/

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