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10:11 AM Feb 28

Reach Weekly Challenge - 02/28/2011


Someone once made the analogy to me that life, as one gets older, feels like you're watching a picket fence from a car passing by. Initially, the car is going incredibly slow and you're able to count each picket, analyze each detail at an absurdly high level. As you get older, however, the car accelerates. Now the pickets are a single and constant blur that is impossible to calculate or quantify in any real way. It's the last day in Februrary folks! The year 2011 is two months done!

While I'm not certain how valid this analogy will prove in the end, I can say for a fact that Reach's Weekly Challenges have made the time fly, with their ever-approaching deadlines always on the rise. This week is yet another beast which will require your complete attention and an unmitigated dedication of time:

Kill 1500 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking this week.

I don't care what side of Reach you were brought up on, 17,500 credits is some serious cheese. While solo play in FFA gametypes might yield more kills, working together as a team can work even better, with overall success rate of folks working together for a common goal. If you're interested in squad'in up, check out our forums for other like-minded super-soldiers:

Weekly Challenge Thread