Welcome to Wendersnaven

This is the beginning of an nwn2 builders community resource site. Primarily, it will combine tutorials and other useful information for nwn2. The end goal is to create a concise and easy-to-use reference that brings together as much of the knowledge-base from the community as possible. It was built on the Drupal 5.1 platform.

Why another site?
There are a lot of great sites out there with their own communities, and I don't even pretend that this site could compete with them. Instead, I want to use Drupal's fantastic book module to catalog tutorials, issues and articles that these other sites publish. Too often while working with the nwn1 toolset, I found myself frustrated while trying to find information. To a certain extent, this site is simple a database of links and information for my personal use. To a broader extent, I'd like to offer up this information for anyone who might find it useful. If you are interested, or if you have questions, please use the contact form to get in touch with me or just register as an authenticated user. In the meantime, check out the Resources for Builders