Drummer Neil Peart's body is finely tuned instrument

Drummer Neil Peart's body is finely tuned instrument

Cue Simpsons-Comic-Book-Store-Guy voice: Best. Band. Ever!

More on Fitness & Nutrition

In with potassium, out with sodium

In with potassium, out with sodium

For decades now, we've heard that too much sodium can cause hypertension and raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Good Form: Back arches

Good Form: Back arches

Here are two variations of back arches that will help counter the effects of rounded shoulders. Slouching tends to shorten the muscles in...

My Turn: Friends shine after physical therapy

My Turn: Friends shine after physical therapy

I sat across the table from Chuck, marveling at his robust good health. We'd just been to see a play — and instead of looking pale and...

Tricked-out trikes for older riders

Tricked-out trikes for older riders

Whenever I write about bicycles, I inevitably receive emails from older folks who are interested in adult three-wheelers. "I'm a 71-year-old...

Good Form: A supported curl and crunch

Good Form: A supported curl and crunch

Double your benefits by doing this variation of a curl and crunch. Use a slightly deflated ball or a small, firm pillow to support your...

Drinking six to eight cups of water called 'nonsense' in editorial

Drinking six to eight cups of water called 'nonsense' in editorial

Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day is healthful, most health experts agree. But apparently not everyone is on the same page.

'Carmageddon' can be motivation to get out and move

'Carmageddon' can be motivation to get out and move

Trapped in your neighborhood this weekend due to "Carmegeddon," or just afraid to venture out in an automobile? No worries -- consider using...

Experts defend bashed potato

Experts defend bashed potato

Potatoes have taken a mashing lately, being blamed over other foods for people's long-term weight gain and possibly being limited in favor...

Even infants can exercise, say new guidelines in U.K.

Even infants can exercise, say new guidelines in U.K.

Young children have no excuse not to exercise—even if they can’t walk yet.

Demi Lovato talks about eating disorders -- but why are they so hard to shake?

Demi Lovato talks about eating disorders -- but why are they so hard to shake?

Admitting you have an eating disorder after living with it for years is no easy task -- but that's exactly what Demi Lovato told Ryan...

Genetically modified food labels don't sit well in U.S.

Genetically modified food labels don't sit well in U.S.

Activists rejoiced last week when a hard-fought battle over international standards for labeling genetically modified food came to an end &#...

Salt plus potassium is an equation to ponder

Salt plus potassium is an equation to ponder

The salt content of your diet is important -- we've heard that from health experts over and over again. But a new study suggests that it's...

An injured ACL isn't a death knell for athletes anymore

An injured ACL isn't a death knell for athletes anymore

Most athletic types would rather spend a month watching "Teletubbies" while reading Snooki's blog than suffer an injury. And when it comes...

Good Form: A knee-saving exercise for the hamstrings

Good Form: A knee-saving exercise for the hamstrings

Here's a terrific way to train your hamstrings (the muscles in the back of your thighs) and buttocks without overworking the fronts of...

Hiking on the tech trail

Hiking on the tech trail

Getting out in nature for a hike or a trail run can offer an escape from the modern world. But that doesn't mean techie innovations should...

Trampoline fitness makes you sweat

Trampoline fitness makes you sweat

Some fit men and women are jumping on little trampolines for an hour of intense challenge to their heart.

Good Form: Weights help strengthen shoulders

Good Form: Weights help strengthen shoulders

Get strong and balanced rear shoulder muscles by including this exercise in your weight routine. Sitting on a bench or chair makes it easier...

Want a superhero physique? Here's how

Want a superhero physique? Here's how

Perhaps you've been to the multiplex to see Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern save the universe from the evil Parallax or to witness Chris...

TV fast-food ads encourage childhood obesity, pediatricians say

TV fast-food ads encourage childhood obesity, pediatricians say

TV advertisements for sugary and fatty foods are playing a role in childhood obesity and ought to be taken off the air, a leading group of...

Working out obesity issues on 'Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition'

Working out obesity issues on 'Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition'

"Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition"

Good Form: Get out in front of thigh tightness

Good Form: Get out in front of thigh tightness

The fronts of your thighs can get very tight, especially if you play sports, train with weights or engage in any other physical activities....

Home workout devices are now affordable and portable

Home workout devices are now affordable and portable

For those times when you can't get to the gym — or don't feel like breaking out your credit card to pay the membership fee —...

Good Form: A little squeeze, a little twist make this a great core exercise

Good Form: A little squeeze, a little twist make this a great core exercise

This exercise challenges your core strength and provides a nice twist to your spine. Squeezing a soft ball with your inner thighs helps to...

My Turn: Husband hangs up his mountain biking pedals

My Turn: Husband hangs up his mountain biking pedals

In the last four years, my 42-year-old husband has had three mountain biking-related surgeries. He's had more busted fingers, dislocated...

Well, about that 10K goal …

Well, about that 10K goal …

I picked a bad race for a personal best attempt.

Good Form: A plank pose that goes further

Good Form: A plank pose that goes further

Build muscular endurance with yoga moves like this one, called "plank pose into chaturanga dandasana." Practiced correctly on a...

Is lowering the drinking age a good idea?

Is lowering the drinking age a good idea?

It's no secret that people drink alcohol before they turn 21. Stories about binge drinking on college campuses and alcohol-fueled high...

The weary road to a 10K milestone

The weary road to a 10K milestone

This is all Jack LaLanne's fault.

My Turn: A hard ride beyond despair on the AIDS/LifeCycle trek

My Turn: A hard ride beyond despair on the AIDS/LifeCycle trek

"I can't do it," I wailed into my cellphone in Santa Cruz to my husband in San Luis Obispo. "And I've lost my wallet. Will you come and...


spotlights from the los angeles times

Magic Johnson live

Magic Johnson live

Be there Saturday when Bill Plaschke talks with the L.A. legend.

See Melissa dÂ’ Arabian

See Melissa d' Arabian

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