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  • [FAMILY]

    Is Giving to Charity Still OK?

    It isn't clear how many efforts to help taxpayers bolster their nest eggs will actually break through the congressional logjam. Here are some tips to help plan among the uncertainty.


    Can 'Trading Down' Still Bankroll Your Retirement?

    Trading down to a smaller home is a retirement-planning staple. But it is getting a lot harder to do, even for wealthier people.

  • [Older Borrowers, Out in the Cold]

    Older Borrowers, Out in the Cold

    As lenders are pressed to modify mortgages, older homeowners on low fixed incomes are being left out of the equation. Many even face foreclosure because they were sold loans they could never afford. | Photos

  • Laws Take on Scams Against Seniors

    Some states are imposing "enhanced penalties" on people who commit financial crimes against seniors, sparking controversy among legal experts who oppose singling out one group for protection.

  • [The Journal Report: Your Money Matters]

    Savings Strategies

    The Game Plan takes a look at how some individuals and families are saving for retirement.

  • Retirement: Requiring Savings Plans

    Obama's proposed budget requires employers who do not offer a pension program to implement a direct-deposit retirement savings system.

  • Retirees Need A Cash Bundle

    Experts recommend stashing away at least a year's worth of expenses in easily accessible cash prior to retirement, creating a pillow to lean on when the market is down

  • [The Journal Report: Encore Retirement Planning Caregiving]

    Solving the Caregiving Puzzle

    Caregiving promises to be a defining issue in the U.S. in the next two decades. Many are developing strategies to help people stay in their homes and to ease caregivers' burdens.

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