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"Never before have so few with so much promised to take away so much from so many and then laugh their asses off as the so many with so little vote for the so few with so much."
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Hitler Holds News Conference, Blames Balanced Budget Amendment For U.S. Defeat

by: fake consultant

Tue Jul 26, 2011 at 13:12:09 PM EDT

(FNS - Washington, New Germany, April 17, 1947) America's new Führer, Adolf Hitler, announced today that his official War History would in fact acknowledge that one of the biggest contributing factors to the defeat of the Allies was the insistence of the former United States of America on sticking to its Balanced Budget Amendment, which left them unable to fund the wartime conversion of the US economy for the benefit of the Alliance.

"All those ideas Mr. Roosevelt spoke of", said Hitler, "Lend-Lease, modular shipbuilding, War Bonds, secret the end, all of them were just words, since the Americans' Congress was never willing to allow the country to fully fund its war effort."  

fake consultant :: Hitler Holds News Conference, Blames Balanced Budget Amendment For U.S. Defeat
As has been previously disclosed, Waffen SS historians have already located caches of documents in Washington describing plans to fund a massive military expansion in the former United States by selling War Bonds.

These debt instruments would have allowed the Roosevelt Administration to spend up to 40% of the Gross Domestic Product of the former Nation in defending itself, the former United Kingdom, and other nations against the Fatherland, but for reasons that are still not well understood Conservative politicians demanded that the former US Government never "take on debt for outsiders", or, in the words of Mae Cadoodie, leader of the American Tea Party movement, "Never invite a foreign entanglement that raises our taxes".

Had the Americans been allowed to sell War Bonds, or to raise taxes to fund the War, it is estimated that they could have provided tens of thousands of aircraft, millions of military vehicles, and hundreds of ships, but the Balanced Budget Amendment prevented any of that.

This represents the end of a series of political arguments that had been taking place since the 1930s, when some American economists were suggesting that a new idea called "deficit spending" could be helpful in bringing the former USA out of the Great Depression; at that time the Roosevelt Administration was unable to establish agencies such as the Work Projects Administration, which would have built public works projects throughout the USA in an effort to revive the moribund economy.

Mae Cadoodie and others fought back successfully against these ideas, pointing out that the last thing the US economy needed in a bad economy was new taxes; they made the same arguments when the Roosevelt Administration first proposed Lend-Lease as a war emergency measure.

"We cannot inflict punishing new taxes on American industry at this fragile time in our recovery" Cadoodie said in a famous speech in 1939, "and if the market is really there for this military materiel, if it's not just some boondoggle manufactured by Roosevelt to take money out of the pockets of the American people, then I'm sure the British will be able to find the funding they need from the markets or from charitable donations".

Cadoodie was unavailable for comment, as she and most other former American politicians are still serving on the Eastern Front, and will be for the foreseeable future.

In a related story, the conversion of the remainder of the American industrial base is underway for the fight against the Russians, and millions of otherwise unemployed Americans are being drafted into the military services in preparation for the final assault.

balanced budget amendment?
balanced budget, no matter what
it's good for america
deficits can make sense
tough story, but a valid point
really? you had to go hitler?


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try this story out... (4.00 / 2)
...on a few of your "no debt. ever." friends, and see how that conversation goes...

"outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside of a dog it's too dark to read."  --groucho marx

Yup (4.00 / 2)
I remember WWII. A balanced budget amendment wouldn't have worked then and it won't work now.

"Never before have so few with so much promised to take away so much from so many and then laugh their asses off as the so many with so little vote for the so few with so much."
A James Pence Quote

that is a fact... (4.00 / 2)
...and i happened to come across some other interesting wwII financing facts: we sold about $185 billion in series e war bonds during wwII to about 85 million us citizens (that's more than $2000 per buyer, by the way, and for a lot of folks that would have been about 6 months salary), and the last of them were retired in 1980, replaced by series ee bonds.

"outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside of a dog it's too dark to read."  --groucho marx

[ Parent ]
one more fun fact: (4.00 / 2)
we spent, if i recall correctly, about $400 billion on wwII, and that means about half the war was financed by those bonds.

"outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside of a dog it's too dark to read."  --groucho marx

[ Parent ]
I remember (4.00 / 2)
war bonds. Everybody I knew bought them.

"Never before have so few with so much promised to take away so much from so many and then laugh their asses off as the so many with so little vote for the so few with so much."
A James Pence Quote

[ Parent ]
according to... (0.00 / 0)
...this link, kate smith was responsible for selling $600 million in war bonds - and i don't think anyone else ever sold that many bonds until michael milken discovered junk bond financing in the '80s...

"outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. inside of a dog it's too dark to read."  --groucho marx

[ Parent ]
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