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“Kentucky is a small state with many needs. When you try to find the resources to address all of the needs, sometimes we fall just a little short. So, when we have corporate partners step up to meet some of those deficiencies, it’s a huge help.”

Ed Worley, Senator from Richmond and Senate Minority Floor leader

“I don’t have to go to my grandmother’s house to do homework.  Thank you for the computers.”  

Mackenzie Nichols,
sixth grader in Estill County

“In less than six years you will hopefully be enrolled in college.  These computers can help you prepare for that.  You need college and Kentucky needs you so we can be more competitive on the world market.

Keith Kappes, VP of University Relations, Morehead State University

"Computers play an integral and significant role in academic development today. Your gifts will have a major impact on the future success of our youth.  When we made our appeal, you listened, you responded and we are eternally grateful."

Clinton Bennett, Director of Family Services, LCCC

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