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Condensation, Sublimation, and Precipitation Processes

For condensation or sublimation to occur in the free air, a particle or nucleus must be present for water-vapor molecules to cling to. These fine particles are of two types: condensation nuclei and sublimation nuclei. Condensation nuclei, on which liquid cloud droplets form, consist of salt particles, droplets of sulfuric acid, and combustion products. They are usually abundant in the atmosphere so that cloud droplets form when saturation is reached. Sublimation nuclei, on which ice crystals form, consist of dust, volcanic ash, and other crystalline materials. Because of differences in composition and structure, different nuclei are effective at different below-freezing temperatures. As the temperature decreases, additional nuclei become active in the sublimation process. These nuclei are not as plentiful as condensation nuclei. Even at temperatures well below freezing, there frequently are too few effective nuclei to initiate more than a scattering of ice crystals.


The small particles that act as condensation nuclei are usually hygroscopic; that is, they have a chemical affinity for water. They may absorb water well before the humidity reaches saturation, sometimes at humidities as low as 80 percent. Condensation forms first on the larger nuclei and a haze develops which reduces visibility. As the relative humidity increases, these particles take on more water and grow in size while condensation also begins on smaller nuclei. Near saturation, the particles have become large enough to be classed as fog or cloud droplets, averaging 1/2500 inch in diameter, and dense enough so that the mass becomes visible. Rapid cooling of the air, such as in strong upward currents, can produce humidities of over 100 percent--supersaturation--temporarily. Under such conditions, droplets grow rapidly, very small nuclei become active and start to grow, and many thousands of droplets per cubic inch will form. With supersaturation, even nonhygroscopic particles will serve as condensation nuclei, but usually there are sufficient hygroscopic nuclei so that the others do not have a chance.

As condensation proceeds, droplets continue to grow until they reach a maximum size of about 1/100 inch in diameter, the size of small drizzle drops. The condensation process is unable to produce larger droplets for several reasons. As vapor is used up in droplet formation, supersaturation decreases and the cloud approaches an equilibrium state at saturation. Also, as droplets grow, the mass of water vapor changing to liquid becomes large and the resultant latent heat released in the condensation process warms the droplet and decreases the vapor pressure difference between it and the surrounding vapor. Thus the vast majority of clouds do not produce rain. If growth to raindrop size is to take place, one or more of the precipitation processes (ice-crystal and coalescence processes, discussed below) must come into play.

An important phenomenon in the physics of condensation and precipitation is that liquid cloud droplets form and persist at temperatures well below freezing. Although ice melts at ~32° F, water can be cooled much below this before it changes to ice. Liquid cloud droplets can exist at temperatures as low as - 40° F. More commonly in the atmosphere though, cloud droplets remain liquid down to about 15° F. Liquid droplets below 32° F are said to be supercooled. At temperatures above 32° F, clouds are composed only of liquid droplets. At temperatures much below 15° F, they are usually composed mostly of ice crystals, while at intermediate temperatures they may be made up of supercooled droplets, ice crystals, or both.

Why dont ice crystals form more readily? First, the formation of ice crystals at temperatures higher than - 40° F requires sublimation nuclei. As was mentioned above, these usually are scarce in the atmosphere, especially at higher elevations. Also, many types of nuclei are effective only at temperatures considerably below freezing. However, another reason why vapor condenses into liquid droplets, rather than sublimes into ice crystals, is that condensation can begin at relative humidities well under 100 percent while sublimation requires at least saturation conditions and usually supersaturation.


Given the necessary conditions of below-freezing temperature, effective sublimation nuclei, and supersaturation discussed above, sublimation starts by direct transfer of water vapor to the solid phase on a sublimation nucleus. There is no haze phase as in the case of condensation. Once sublimation starts, ice crystals will grow freely under conditions of supersaturation. Since there are fewer sublimation than condensation nuclei available, the ice crystals that form grow to a greater size than water droplets and can fall from the base of the cloud.

Only very light snow, or rain if the crystals melt, can be produced by sublimation alone. Moderate or heavy precipitation requires one of the precipitation processes in addition to sublimation.


After condensation or sublimation processes have gone as far as they can, some additional process is necessary for droplets or crystals to grow to a size large enough to fall freely from the cloud and reach the ground as snow or rain. Cloud droplets, because of their small size and consequent slight pull of gravity, negligible rate of fall, and for all practical purposes are suspended in the air. Even drizzle droplets seem to float in the air. Raindrops range in size from about 1/50 inch to 1/5 inch in diameter. Drops larger than 1/5 inch tend to break up when they fall. It takes about 30 million cloud droplets of average size to make one raindrop about 1/8 inch in diameter.

There seem to be two processes which act together or separately to cause millions of cloud droplets to grow into a raindrop. One is the ice-crystal process and the other is the coalescence process.

The Ice-Crystal Process

We have seen that ice crystals and cloud droplets can coexist in clouds with subfreezing temperatures. For the ice-crystal process of precipitation to take place, clouds must be composed of both ice crystals and supercooled liquid cloud droplets.

Earlier we discussed vapor pressure and saturation vapor pressure at some length, but we considered only saturation vapor pressure with respect to liquid water. The saturation vapor pressure with respect to ice is somewhat less than that with respect to supercooled water at the same temperature.

If a cloud containing supercooled water droplets is saturated with respect to water, then it is supersaturated with respect to ice, and the relative humidity with respect to ice is greater than 100 percent. The force resulting from the difference between vapor pressure over water and over ice causes vapor molecules to be attracted to ice crystals, and the ice crystals will grow rapidly. As the ice crystals gather up vapor molecules in the cloud, the relative humidity with respect to water drops below 100 percent, and liquid cloud droplets begin to evaporate. Vapor molecules move to the ice crystals and crystallize there. Thus, the ice crystals grow at the expense of the water droplets and may attain a size large enough to fall out of the cloud as snowflakes. If the snowflakes reach warmer levels, they melt and become raindrops. This is the ice-crystal precipitation process.


Since rain also falls from clouds which are entirely above freezing, there must be a second precipitation process. This is a simple process in which cloud droplets collide and fuse together, or coalesce. Clouds which produce precipitation are composed of cloud droplets of varying sizes. Because of the different sizes, cloud droplets move about at different speeds. As they collide, some of them stick together to form larger drops. The larger cloud droplets grow at the expense of smaller ones, and actually become more effective in the collecting process as they become larger. As larger drops begin to fall, they tend to sweep out the smaller drops ahead of them.

The coalescence process takes place in clouds of both above freezing and below freezing temperatures. Snowflakes coalesce with other snowflakes as they fall to form the large clumps which we sometimes observe. They may also coalesce with supercooled water droplets to form snow pellets.

See also: Artificial Nucleation.

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Encyclopedia ID: p393

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