Car safety: Let Grandma drive the kids!

Car safety: Let Grandma drive the kids!

One less reason to worry about letting Grandma drive the kids: Letting her take the wheel might lower the chances that your kids will get...

Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval

Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval

My mother married my father, a violent and abusive man, when she was 17 — a week after she graduated from high school. We fled from...

Regulations approved for schools' 'Parent Trigger' law

Regulations approved for schools' 'Parent Trigger' law

After months of controversy, the state Board of Education set out a clear road map Wednesday to allow parents unparalleled rights to force...

Despite concerns, most parents get their kids vaccinated

Despite concerns, most parents get their kids vaccinated

Parents worry about the safety of vaccines for their children even though most go ahead and have their kids immunized, researchers...

The Bond: Staying in touch when children go to college

The Bond: Staying in touch when children go to college

The second in a series on the evolution of the parent-child relationship.

Don't let under-26 son go without insurance

Don't let under-26 son go without insurance

My son graduates from USC this year. He doesn't have a job lined up with health insurance. Because he is under 26 years old, we can put...

Most kids who lose a parent don't experience lengthy depression

Most kids who lose a parent don't experience lengthy depression

HONOLULU — A significant number of children in the U.S. lose a parent to death each year. But a new study shows that, after a normal...

Latino kids follow parents' lead when it comes to exercising (or not)

Compared with other ethnic groups, Hispanic adults spend very little time engaging in leisure time activity. And their lack of...

Parenting experts weigh in on 'Tiger Mother'

Parenting experts weigh in on 'Tiger Mother'

In "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" (Penguin Press, 2011), Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua describes child-rearing techniques that, as...

Keep your teen safe behind the wheel

Keep your teen safe behind the wheel

If you're the parent of a teenage driver, it can be a bit nervewracking! The best way to keep your nerves in check is to establish and...

Football concussions: The smaller hits matter too

Football concussions: The smaller hits matter too

School lunchboxes: How to make them eco-friendly?

School lunchboxes: How to make them eco-friendly?

