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It was a little slice of Carmaheaven

It was a little slice of Carmaheaven

Traffic was great. People were neighborly. No great disaster snarled the dismantling of the Mulholland Drive bridge's south lanes. Too bad we can't do it every weekend.


Carmageddon's lessons

It's not hard to get people out of their cars during extraordinary events like Carmageddon on the 405 Freeway; the tough thing is doing it on a daily basis.

Let Rupert Murdoch off the hook?

Let Rupert Murdoch off the hook?

Rick Perry's higher calling

Rick Perry's higher calling

Light-bulb standards equal energy efficiency

Light-bulb standards equal energy efficiency

Refrigerators and cars have become more energy-efficient. Water heaters and windows have too. So it's strange that so many politicians cling...

Can Spotify blaze a music trail in America?

Can Spotify blaze a music trail in America?

The long-awaited arrival of Spotify, a popular European music service, in the U.S. last week marks an important milestone for the music...

History textbooks: No slant required

History textbooks: No slant required

We don't need any of that Texas-style, right-wing political slant in California textbooks, so it's good to see a bill, SB 302, progressing...

Gun control at the border

Gun control at the border

The Obama administration took a concrete step toward curbing the flow of semiautomatic weapons to Mexico last week when it adopted a new...

Take the no-pledge pledge

Take the no-pledge pledge

If a major deal on cutting the deficit emerges from debt-reductions talks — one that includes increases in revenue — large...

Kitten season hits hard

Kitten season hits hard

In nature, animals often give birth during the safest and easiest time of the year — summer. The climate is temperate; food sources...

California should join the popular vote parade

California should join the popular vote parade

Though it is rare, the occasional American presidential election goes to the loser of the popular vote, an outcome that undermines basic...

A U.S. connection to Britain's tabloid scandal?

A U.S. connection to Britain's tabloid scandal?

Rupert Murdoch is an attractive target for politicians on both sides of the Atlantic. Allegations that investigators for his flagship London...

Debt-ceiling denial won't work

Debt-ceiling denial won't work

Even if the White House and congressional leaders reach a deal to raise the debt limit, they face at least two hurdles to persuading rank-...

The Leiby Kletzky killing: Every parent's fear

The Leiby Kletzky killing: Every parent's fear

Like little Leiby Kletzky, my youngest child pleaded for a little more freedom at the age of 8. She wanted to walk by herself the 500 feet...

The risks of the Keystone XL pipeline

The risks of the Keystone XL pipeline

The Yellowstone River, dubbed "America's last best river" by National Geographic, is, or was, a pristine 700-mile waterway through Montana...

Public health: Not vaccinated? Not acceptable

Public health: Not vaccinated? Not acceptable

What does society do when one person's behavior puts the greater community at risk? We make them stop. We pass laws, or impose economic...

Science and religion: God didn't make man; man made gods

Science and religion: God didn't make man; man made gods

Before John Lennon imagined "living life in peace," he conjured "no heaven … / no hell below us …/ and no religion too."

Newton: A new voice atop L.A.'s teachers union

Newton: A new voice atop L.A.'s teachers union

Warren Fletcher wrapped up his work three weeks ago as an English teacher at City of Angels and moved over to the headquarters of United...

McManus: A deal with the Khartoum devil?

McManus: A deal with the Khartoum devil?

How do you deal with a genocidal dictator who says he wants to reform?

Israel: 'Delegitimization' is just a distraction

Israel: 'Delegitimization' is just a distraction

Suddenly, all the major pro-Israel organizations are anguishing about "delegitimization." Those who criticize Israeli policies are accused...

Britain's phone-hacking scandal and the power of newspapers

Britain's phone-hacking scandal and the power of newspapers

A few years ago my old boss, David Laventhol, had an extended conversation with Rupert Murdoch about newspapers. It was after some sort of...

Downtown L.A.: A nightmare on Every Street

Downtown L.A.: A nightmare on Every Street

"Look, Daddy, that man's going to the bathroom!"

The upside of living downtown

The upside of living downtown

Eight years ago, as I watched a building near my work be converted from vacant offices into lofts, I couldn't stop thinking about it. If I...

Rutten: America's Murdoch problem

Rutten: America's Murdoch problem

The Anglo-American democracies owe their durability to many attributes, but two of the most crucial involve restraint: No exercise of...

Keeping L.A.'s taps flowing

Keeping L.A.'s taps flowing

What's the most reliable source of water in Los Angeles? Your kitchen tap, your bathroom shower, even your toilet.

Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval

Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval

My mother married my father, a violent and abusive man, when she was 17 — a week after she graduated from high school. We fled from...

Can Britain survive tabloid fever?

Can Britain survive tabloid fever?

Britain's drama has penetrated even the carapace of American self-preoccupation.