
Daily and Weekly Fantasy Sports Leagues

One-Day Fantasy Sports Leagues for Money!

  • Salary cap format: pick the players you want just for that day
  • Play for real money directly against other users
  • Over 5,000 1-day leagues to join right now - all different sizes
  • No daily commitment - simply play when you feel like it
  • We’re huge - over $200k in league prize pools every single day
  • "The big prize in fantasy sports goes to FanDuel." - VentureBeat
  • "Think of it as 'one-night stand' fantasy sports." - TechCrunch
  • "In is the excitement, out is the dragging monotony." - Mashable
Chris Prince
from Detroit
has won over

Daily and weekly fantasy sports contests for cash is the exciting new way to play daily fantasy sports. FanDuel, established in 2008, takes everything that makes fantasy sports exciting and packs it into one thrilling day. We offer daily and weekly fantasy leagues with money prizes. Win money playing daily fantasy baseball leagues, daily fantasy basketball leagues, daily fantasy hockey leagues and weekly fantasy football leagues. You get to select your sport, the entry fee and the size of your league. Or play in our tournaments that have thousands in cash prizes. Start playing daily fantasy sports with instant cash payouts on FanDuel now.

By joining you're agreeing to our terms of use. Due to State law residents of Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana and Vermont may only play free competitions.