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Rodney King free on bail after arrest on suspicion of DUI

Kingarrest Rodney G. King Jr. was free on bail Wednesday after being arrested in Moreno Valley on suspicion of driving under the influence.

King, 46, was the subject of the infamous videotaped beating by Los Angeles police in March 1991 that resulted in four officers being tried. Their acquittal led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

Since then King has had a number of run-ins with police across Southern California on a variety of allegations, including domestic violence.

Riverside County authorities said deputies stopped King on Tuesday on Frederick Street after he was seen committing numerous vehicle violations as he drove.

When deputies spoke to King, he appeared to be under the influence and was arrested.

He was taken to jail and was later released on $2,500 bail, records show.

King recently appeared on VH1’s "Celebrity Rehab," trying to tackle his fight with alcoholism.


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Photo: Rodney G. King Jr. Credit: Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times

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