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Demographics and Distribution

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Material requirements

Formats: Mac platform – QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, or high resolution, press-optimized PDF.

Media: All files may be sent via CD, e-mail ( or FTP. Special Instructions: Include all fonts & support files (collect for output files).

Special Instructions: All color should be CMYK, no spot color. Four-color, high-resolution color proof required, otherwise color reproduction not guaranteed. Black & White ads need to be in grayscale. For further questions contact Jessica Merriman, Creative Director at 859-244-3531.

Advertising Sizes




Full Page


8.375" 11.125"


7” 10”


5.375" 11.125"


4.5625" 10"
1/2-Page Vertical


5.375" 8.125"


4.5625" 7.4375
1/2-Page Horizontal







1/3-Page Vertical


3" 11.125"


2.25" 10"
1/3-Page Horizontal







1/3-Page Square







1/4-Page Vertical


4.1875" 5.5"


3.4375" 4.875"
1/4-Page Horizontal


8.375" 2.75"


7" 2.1875"

Sizes include.125" extra for all sides that bleed - see "Book Trim Size"

Book Trim Size
Trim size is 8 1/8” x 10 7/8”. Please keep all live materials 1/2” inside the trim on all sides, and add 1/4 inch on all sides for bleeds.

General Policies

The publisher will not be bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on any insertion order, contract or order blank when they conflict with the terms and conditions of this rate card, or any amendment thereof.

Closing Deadlines
Ad placement deadline is 30 days prior to month of issue. Material deadline is 20 days prior to month of issue. For special handling and deadline extensions please contact the publisher.

Rates and specifications available upon request. Subject to availability.

Cancellations must be received in writing prior to closing deadline and will not be accepted after the closing deadline.

All rates quoted are net.

Payment for advertising and related charges is due net terms, 10 days from invoice. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be applied to balances not paid within 30 days.

Liability of Payment
In the event of non-payment, the publisher reserves the right to hold advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and separately liable for such monies as due and payable to the publisher of The Lane Report.

Contract Year
Advertising must be inserted within one year (12 months) of first insertion to earn frequency discount rates. Specific months must be listed for contract advertising insertions; otherwise, each insertion will be billed at the one-time rate until frequency discount is earned.

Credit earned by increasing frequency will be applied to future advertising. Advertising ordered at frequency discount rates not earned within the year will be billed at the earned rate (short rate).

Copy Responsibility
Submission of copy is the responsibility of the advertiser or agency. Copy from last insertion will be run if new copy is not received by closing date. If there is no previous insertion, the client is liable for the cost of the contracted space not used, and space will be allocated at the discretion of the publisher.

Rates are based on ad material being provided by the client and do not include art design or production of the advertisement. Advertisers providing any materials requiring work will be billed for the cost of production.

Copy Authorization
All advertisements are accepted and published upon representation that the party placing such material is authorized to publish any and all such material.

In consideration of acceptance, the advertiser and/or agencies agrees to indemnify and hold the publisher harmless from and against any loss of expense on claims based upon the subject matter of such advertisements.

Copy Acceptance
Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising. Advertising that resembles editorial will be marked “Advertisement” by the publisher.

Any reference to The Lane Report in advertisements, promotional material or merchandising by advertiser or agency is subject to prior written approval by the publisher.

Change in Rates
The publisher reserves the right to revise, on notice of 30 days, any rates, terms and conditions of this rate card applicable to contract advertisers. Revisions affecting non-contract advertising may be made without notice.

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