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Oct. 17, 2007

Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard

Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard

Attention Mac users: Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard ships on October 26th, but you can preorder it now. Leopard has more than 300 new features, including something called Time Machine, which keeps an up-to-date copy of everything on your computer and will virtually take you back in time to find lost files. Leopard also comes with Safari 3, parental controls, iChat AV for instant messaging and videoconferencing (with fun Photo Booth effects and backdrops),... more

Jan. 29, 2007

Windows Vista

Windows Vista

Certain Best Buy, Circuit City, and Comp USA stores are having Windows Vista parties tonight, staying open after midnight for customers who need to buy Vista the very minute the new software becomes available. Apparently Microsoft thinks Vista, with its enhanced graphic capabilities and improved system performance features, is as hot as the PS3 or a new Harry Potter book. But why stand in line at a box store at midnight when you can... more