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3D printing: coming to a candy store near you

By Joe McKendrick | July 7, 2011, 2:45 PM PDT

Here at SmartPlanet, we’ve talked about all the incredible economies and efficiencies that can be realized through 3D printing — in which designs are sent from your computer to specialized printers pre-loaded with appropriate raw materials — for everything from human replacement organs to houses to glassware. Even referred to as “personal manufacturing,” the new emerging solutions have profound implications for our economic competitiveness.

All well and good. But let’s get down to a really important application: researchers at the University of Exeter have just developed a 3D printer for chocolate.

Sound frivolous? Well, as designer Richard Evenson explains it, chocolate is a low-risk way to introduce businesses and students alike to the brave new world of 3D printing, driven by co-creation of goods by consumers:

“This opens up the possibility for the much wider participation of the consumer in the production process. Some people call it co-creation, where the consumer is fully part of the design process. Chocolate is a very easy place to explore how that would happen, because chocolate is not a safety-critical system in any way. Chocolate, if it goes horribly wrong, then all you have is a mess of chocolate. As we move away from just customization and toward co-creation, this sort of design also includes a Web interface which allows people not only to design their own system, but also collaborate with other people. Those are going to become much more pervasive.”

Sounds good, professor — but what really matters is we now have a cool way to make chocolate faster and in greater quantities!

(Video link: EPSRC.)

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Joe McKendrick

About Joe McKendrick

Joe McKendrick is a contributing editor for SmartPlanet.

Joe McKendrick

Joe McKendrick

Contributing Editor, Business

Joe McKendrick is an author and independent analyst who tracks the impact of information technology on management and markets. Joe is also SOA community manager for ebizQ, and speaks frequently on Enterprise 2.0 and SOA topics at industry events and Webcasts. He also serves as lead analyst and author of Evans Data Corp.'s highly regarded bi-annual SOA/Web Services and Web 2.0 surveys.

Joe writes a regular column for Database Trends & Applications, and has authored numerous research reports in partnership with Unisphere Research for user groups such as SHARE, Oracle Applications Users Group, and International DB2 Users Group.

In a previous life, Joe served as director of the Administrative Management Society (AMS), an international professional association dedicated to advancing knowledge within the IT and business management fields.

He writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

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Joe McKendrick

Joe McKendrick

Joe McKendrick is an independent consultant and editor. Joe has performed project work for the following companies in the IT marketspace: IBM, Systinet/HP, Teradata. He has performed project work for the following organizations in partnership with Unisphere Research (Unisphere Media): IBM, Oracle Corp., International Oracle Users Group, Oracle Applications Users Group, Professional Association for SQL Server, International DB2 Users Group, International Sybase Users Group.

He writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.


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+1 Vote
+ -
This is really cool grin
One day we will be able to make atomically precise materials.
Posted by IAW94
Jul 08, 2011 @ 7:01 AM (PDT)
+1 Vote
+ -
The Star Trek replicater ?
Is the start of the Star Trek replicater, for anything ?

Earl Grey! Hot!
Edited by TonyTrenton
Jul 08, 2011 @ 8:59 PM (PDT)
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