About Projects Services Alternative Energy Support

Sundance Lodge


Big White Ski Resort, Kelowna, BC

Facility Info:

  • Outdoor Pool, Waterslide, pool, hot tubs, steam room, Club Fitness Room

System Info:

  • Solar System: 12 Solar Collectors Type 2,7m2, 32.4m2 (349 sq. ft.)
  • 12 solar collectors are mainly to heat pool water and supply heat source for heat pump.

How the system works:

Our hybrid systems are using every bit of solar energy we can collect and elevating it with the heat pump. Our absorption is better and with less line losses because the glycol in the panels is colder. If there isn't a simultaneous demand for the solar heat energy, then it is stored in the ground loop for later use that evening.

It is also stored in the rock over the summer when we will collect more than is required. In short, we are getting a lot more energy and value out of the solar panels than if they were just high grade heating domestic hot water. The ground loop assists, but would not carry the load without the solar panels and would freeze up. The ground loop is acting more as a battery for the free heat collection than as a heat source.

System benefits:

  • Pay back time: approximately 8 years

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