Mission Center: Mission Leadership

Federal Ministries

Federal Ministries

Federal chaplains serve those in the military, Veterans Administration hospitals and federal prisons, providing spiritual and day-to-day support to service men and women overseas and stateside, veterans requiring medical services and the incarcerated. They bring spiritual healing and comfort to those with no other faith resources.

If you are interested in federal military or prison chaplaincy, call the office of the Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries at either 202-459-9998 or 646-434-0299. The Deputy Endorser will explain the programs, the application and other steps involved, and will stay involved with you each step of the way.

Federal Chaplaincy Applications
Are you feeling called to serve as a Federal Chaplain? Click above for applications for various chaplaincy programs.

Episcopal Federal Chaplaincies on Facebook

Office of the Bishop Suffragan for the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries, 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 203, Washington, DC 20002, 646-434-0299 or 202-459-9998

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