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Once you're an officially published author, you can keep track of your submissions with Club IGN and build you collection for the world to see.

Just fill in the form below and we'll promptly review your submission for publication on IGN.

If your walkthrough includes images or video, you may want to try using MyIGN to post your FAQ (be sure to send the direct link to us, or it won't be listed). Find out how to do this here.

If you have PDF, Excel, or other file formats, you may always email directly to Or, you can optionally submit your entire guide or walkthrough project by FTP.

Publishers, developers, and public relations representatives sending materials from their own sites or internal documentation should make submissions by e-mail to using a business e-mail address to assist IGN in identifying contributors of plagiarized materials. Thanks!

All submissions are subject to approval by staff prior to being published on IGN. A submissions that violates any combination of site standards, the IGN Terms of Service, or established U.S. copyright laws will not be published. Instead, someone will come after you with pointed sticks, suck your brains out with a straw, and claim your plasma, bone marrow, and/or internal organs for needy children on a first come, first serve basis.

* We assume you answered "yes" to the original question. If you answered "no," we're sorry but we can't help you. If you're considering writing a walkthrough or FAQ, check out our help center.