Head in the ClouDs

June 16, 2011 by

It's difficult to put your finger on Carlo 'ClouD' Giannocco.  The Italian Terran will slam out really impressive wins against the world's best, and then follow it up with very average results for the next month.  He's constantly on the verge of becoming everybody's new favorite player, but he lacks the consistency to really make his accomplishments stick.

The second season of the IGN Pro League gives Cloud another chance to prove to the North American audience that he's got what it takes to win our hearts.  With a mediocre performance in the North American Star League fresh in his mind I'm certain that the drive to succeed is there, but I'm curious as to whether or not that gusto will translate into results.  He'll again be facing opponents of world class caliber when our second season's main event rolls around; he'll need to topple giant after giant to win.  A sick series or two won't cut it if he's looking to go far.

Here's what our friend Cloud had to go through to qualify:

First round he had a bye.

Second round he beat EVODeemo, a high-level Master Terran.

Third round he beat tQyrUseCC, a high-level Master Terran.  Try saying that username three times fast.

Fourth round he beat tGensulitor, a high-level Master Terran.

Fifth round he beat SCDPride, the most notorious SCV pulling Terran this side of the Atlantic.

Sixth round he beat NrGMalice, a Grandmaster Zerg.

Seventh round he had a bye over Strelok, who due to scheduling issues couldn't make their game.

Eighth round he lost to Merz, a strong European Terran.

Great showing all and all, but he had two freebies.  I'll be watching ClouD with a notepad and pen in hand as his main event games play out, because I really am lost as to where I should be trying to place him in my mental hierarchy of players.

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