Andrew Bolt

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 06:06am

Essential Research detects no movement back to Labor, which is on 45 per cent to the Liberals’ 55.


Labor’s last hope was that at least Tony Abbott was less popular than Julia Gillard:

JULIA Gillard has sunk below Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister for the first time and is now the most unpopular modern prime minister since Paul Keating at his worst....

According to the latest Newspoll, conducted exclusively for The Australian, satisfaction with the Prime Minister last weekend was down two percentage points to 28 per cent, her lowest since becoming leader a year ago and a fall of 22 percentage points since she announced the carbon tax.

Dissatisfaction with Ms Gillard has leapt to a high of 62 per cent, up seven points in the past two weeks.

On the question of who would make the better prime minister, she slipped below Mr Abbott for the first time, after falling two points to 39 per cent as Mr Abbott’s support rose two points to 41 per cent…

Based on second-preference flows at the last election, the Coalition has maintained its clear election-winning lead over Labor of 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

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Still, you have to wonder how the hell Labor can still manage to get 45% of the 2PP.

What would it take for these people to realise just how utterly incompetent and destructive these Labor misfits really are?

Ant of Melbourne (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:39am)
Fishface replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:03am)

I’m sad and amazed too that the figures are not even lower.  I cannot believe some people are so blind to what this incompetent government is doing to this country.

pie finger replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:14am)

you have to wonder how the hell Labor can still manage to get 45% of the 2PP.

Maybe some of the (more faultier than most) Climate Change models have had a change of career.

Hanka replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:00am)

Nothing Ant. I know people who love Labor no matter what. It is sad, very sad.

GB replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:05am)

If this government cannot see the damage they have done and continue to do to Australia and its people then we the public
have a very very serious problem on our hands.
Is the trashing, squandering poor judgement in fact deliberate
from a government which in fact hates this country and the
majority of its people, its history, culture, traditions would
seem so.

There will be no carbon tax replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:12am)

Still, you have to wonder how the hell Labor can still manage to get 45% of the 2PP.

“Vote early and vote often”.

An old A.L.P. motto.

mishazoe replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:22am)

What is interesting is that NONE of the people I speak to support the ALP. ???? where do they get their figures ???? Altona? cool smile

NevilleW replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:46am)

Unfortunately those 45% have their unthinking reasons to vote ALP.

Ant replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:36pm)

Here’s a line in The Age on that poll:

If the Coalition wanted insurance, it could replace Tony Abbott with Malcolm Turnbull, a move which the poll says would push the Coalition’s vote even higher than it is now.

They’re pathetic, aren’t they?  I almost feel sorry for them.

I'll never vote ALP again replied to Ant
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:44pm)

25% of australian’s are not born here and 10% of the work force are public servants and the rest of the true believers are victims of heavy drug and alcohol abuse so there’s your 45%.

Interesting and very pleasing results!!  Hope Tony and family do well on their sojourn north. 

vm of pert.h (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:57am)

Apparently our Jooles has been opining that her tax on CO2 is the equivalent of being told to “eat your vegetables” ... you know ... may not like the taste but it’s ‘good’ for you

Well my my my .... what have we here .. our PM is apparently now PARENT to the child electors of Australia .... and not happy to have just told a massive point blank lie to the nation in a Federal election about there being no CO2 tax .... now has the temerity to rub our faces in it by saying .... you WILL have it .... you don’t want it ... you voted for me on the basis that I would not do it ... but I am doing it ... you will accept it ... because I say you should

Jooles often appears with a supercilious smirk ... safe in the knowledge that a collection of people more self serving (even) than even her (Oak, Wind, Wilkie et al) stand between the Australian people and an election .... only one thing worse than debasement of democracy I suppose ... and that would be SMUG debasement

Eat Our Veggies (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:33am)
Amused Qld replied to Eat Our Veggies
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:12am)

Much the same as the Greens giving Lee Rhiannon the policy of democracy !!  What a joke two communists running our democracy - what democracy??  You will do as I say not as I do.

Coconut replied to Eat Our Veggies
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:43am)

Well the children (the voters) are spitting the vegetables back in her face - metaphorically speaking of course.

Rob replied to Eat Our Veggies
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:05pm)

Eat your greens! Gillard is getting eaten by her greens!

Same as newspoll this morning 55 to 45. Approval rating still headed south.
Maybe Julia will start to get the message? I would not like to be around when she wakes up today! Good luck Tim!

Matt in Sydney (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (03:05am)
Bob Smith TFP replied to Matt in Sydney
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:03pm)

Did Oakeshott sink in this mud as well. Hope so.

Too bad it is not 35 to 65.Then we might have an election and wipe some of the deadweights out of our pockets.

Jack (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (04:24am)
Fair and Balanced replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:12am)

Yeah Jack....

Maybe we should change the constitution so the polls decide when we go to an election. Especially Newspoll’s.

I particularly like the poll that asked the question, would you pay to help abbait climate change.... with NO mention of course, that the government has a compensation package.. That was a “goodin”.

Maybe we could use that poll to go by. That’s Fair and Balanced.

Is’nt it...??

Bojeeba replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (03:00pm)

Ok fair and balanced - so the government is taxing the big polluters right? and we are to naively believe that these big polluters will just absorb this tax and all associated costs and not pass it on to the consumer right?

and if they do (which they will) the government will compensate us all right?

So a tax will be imposed on polluters who will merely pass it on to consumers (who are polluters and keep the ‘big polluters’ in business) - so we all pay the tax and then all the money raised from this tax will be repaid back to us as compensation??


How will this punish these so called big polluters and change our evil polluting behaviour and why would the government put this huge costly tax on us only to give it back to us??

how will this combat climate change??

How will this stop the currently non-existant global warming??

If Gizzard is going to give all the tax money back to us as compensation where will funding come from for investment in this wonderful, mystical renewable engery??

Are you really that simple to not see a blatant wealth redistribution and tax grab right in your face??.....

oldguy replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (03:17pm)

Er, Fair and Balanced that would be abate and isn’t.

What is it with trolls & illiteracy?

tiger replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (03:58pm)

Right Jack..Just shows there is around 45% unfair unbalanced people around getting paid directly or indirectly by this gov. for unproductive work ....otherwise why would you try to defend...the ineptitude of them???

John from Bundoora replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (04:00pm)

Bzzzt!, wrong again Livid.
Jack said no such thing about polls being a constutional trigger for an election.
Gee, talk about warped interpretations. Jack was implying that a 65/35 poll result would be so devastating that it would probably cause a seismic shift within the ranks of the ALP and lead to the knifing of the PM, this would in turn would create a poltical climate that would lead to an election.

Federal Labor could then hold the second Sorry Day (during their election campaign), sorry for wasting tens of billions of dollars of BORROWED tax payers money, sorry for plunging Australia from $22Bill surplus to $195 Billion in debt, sorry for lying about the carbon tax, imposing Green totalitarianism and recklessness. Then maybe they could get their 35% 2PP

As for leading poll questions! ha!, the Green groups are experts at it and now YOU want to have a whinge?

MattR replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:00pm)

Fair and Balanced replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:12am)

Yeah Jack....

Maybe we should change the constitution so the polls decide when we go to an election. Especially Newspoll’s.

And you say skeptics are in denial. This is a classic case.

The ALP are finished and you know it.

Scott replied to Jack
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:00pm)

Maybe we should change the constitution so the polls decide when we go to an election. Especially Newspoll’s.

Or maybe F&B;we could ask a lying PM to uphold the results of the last democratic election where Australian’s said an emphatic NO to any price on Co2…

That’s Fair and Balanced. Is’nt it...??

Your stupidity is beyond the pale…

Julia was right about it being a “year of decision” - the electorate have decided that after a year she, and her party, suck.

Sea Wolf (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:19am)
Spin Baby, Spin replied to Sea Wolf
Tue 28 Jun 11 (08:56am)

Yes, but it’s the year of decision and delivery...

Field Marshall replied to Sea Wolf
Tue 28 Jun 11 (03:49pm)

“...the year of decision and ‘delivery’...”

No matter how one looks at it - the hollow woman.  smile

Sea Wolf replied to Sea Wolf
Tue 28 Jun 11 (04:20pm)

Does stillborn count as a delivery, SBS?

It is hardly surprising that Gillards ratings are so low. I really havent met a person who has any respect for her or the government. The incompetence, arrogance and policy failures are so obvious that it is scary that they are still in power. I blame the independents for their absolute self-interest and narrow mindedness in supporting Gillard at all costs. What blows my mind the most is the NBN. A colossal white elephant!

Frim of Coorparoo (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:25am)

So Kelly, Cassidy, Coorey etc. That plebiscite stunt really blew up in Abbott’s face, didn’t it?

ThoughtPolice (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:26am)
Sceptic replied to ThoughtPolice
Tue 28 Jun 11 (08:59am)

Labor went to the election with a Policy of “No Carbon Tax”.

No one voted for a new “sin” tax. Denied Once.

A plebiscite would have provided an opportunity to vote on a major new and totally unnecessary “sin” tax.
Denied Twice.

The ruling elites claim that they know what is best for us.

We will have to remind them that they do not.

bennoba replied to ThoughtPolice
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:01am)

The press gallery are desperately scratching around to create a narrative that sticks, and nothing is working.

I think people have stopped listening to them as well.

the sunshine grocer replied to ThoughtPolice
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:05am)

What a shame this polling wasn’t available until just after Q&A;last night. It would have made Albanese suck eggs.
Hockey was brutally good, confirming the coalition would sack at least 20,000 public servants in Canberra when they were re-elected. This makes the rest of Australia feel good without changing anything in Canberra because it is still a Labor town whatever happens.

Davo 7 replied to ThoughtPolice
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:15am)

Tony and his team know what the people want and indeed
Tony also knows the people have had a gutfull of Labors
games, mind and otherwise and demand a return to mature
responsible prudent fiscal conservative and patriotic government.The government they infact voted for in 2010
and would have got but for the treachery of Oakeshott and
There is also the not inconsiderable matter of the continued
assault from the PCs on our freedom of speech - every
Australians democratic right and for which so many have
fought and fallen over the decades.An increasing concern
to all ordinary Australians.
We demand the election we have to have as we can no longer
afford this mendacious, amoral ‘what Julia wants, Juliar gets”
worst ever Prime Minister and her ship of fool government.
Nor will the people tolerate another round of musical chairs
with the Office of the Prime Minister of Australia by played by
cyncial and despicable ALP “king makers”.

Fair and Balanced replied to ThoughtPolice
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:00pm)

Yes for sure Bennoba....

Especially the Newslimited press, the centre right press that has is 66% of print media in Australia...and is the largest in the world.

Anybody with their eyes wide shut can see they are really bagging Abbott at every turn. It’s relentless I tell you. I don’t know how he managed to crawl from the bottom of the polls with such media bias against him..

A true champion....

Gillard is doing very well.  She had the worst Government since Whitlam but has now surpassed it.  She was as unpopular as Keating but has now surpassed him.  Her policies are more unpopular than those of Billy Hughes.  She has less support in the Labor Party than Jack Lang, Vince Gair or the cabinet maker from Queensland. Time to quit Julia.

john of wollongong (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:32am)
Chris M replied to john
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:57am)

Nah, keep her on. It’ll be fun to see how low this can go, still room for extra depth.

Mother Lode replied to john
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:00am)

When the next Labor government comes in and surpasses even Julia’s ineptitude, the ALP will lionise her. They will sing the praises of Australia’s first female PM to prove how great they are - and gloss over the ruin she has visited upon us.

Interesting that the person to beat in the unpopularity stakes was Keating, another Labor icon. Chifley is revered, but was swept from office and Labor languished in opposition.

P replied to john
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:50am)

The deal she struck with the independents last year to form Government, was always going to be a poisoned chalice, and so it has proven so far to be.

Unfortunately, the only issue getting airplay at the moment is the Carbon Tax, but there are other important issues which simply are not on the Government’s Agenda, which are being neglected to the detriment of the people.

Give me Liberty replied to john
Tue 28 Jun 11 (11:47am)

Come Back Sir John Kerr - We Need you

AJ of Here replied to john
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:11pm)

Chris M, you realise that Gillard turning up in China,covered in dirt and with a shovel in hand will legitimately allow China to declare war on us for crimes against humanity, right?

Confused about preferred leader polls, it’s a bit like asking who you’d prefer as captain of your footy team.
You will support your team anyway.
People should be asked if Turnbull doesn’t lead the conservatives, will you vote Labor.

Stuart.W of Richmond (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:34am)
Whoa replied to Stuart.W
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:35am)

One can surmise that the Lib voters are polling for Rudd and the Labor voters are polling for Turnbull.  Just a little mischief on behalf of the Press and Pollsters.

No way do you jump off a winning horse. Tony is safe!  Unfortunately someone seems to have hobbled Julia.  Rudd is also doing a wonderful job of tightening the saddle strap?

Scott replied to Stuart.W
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:31am)

Why would you ask if people would vote conservative if a non-conservative was the leader?  rolleyes

The only people who want Malcolm Turnbull to be leader are people who would never in truth vote Liberal.

Scott replied to Stuart.W
Tue 28 Jun 11 (04:32pm)

People should be asked if Turnbull doesn’t lead the conservatives, will you vote Labor

Why the hell would you pose a question like that. Don’t you remember the polls when Turnbull was leader?

It’s pretty obvious that your ‘question’ has already been answered by the current polls. Abbott is the preferred PM, end of story.

Yesterday i was at my local RSL. While watching the news on the telly, Gillard came on. The howls of “ get her off “ were quite surprising.
You are right Andrew!
Gillard is truely finished! The public don’t want a bar of this woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Road Runner of Lane Cove (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:41am)
Bob from Ballarat replied to Road Runner
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:58am)

Likewise, was at a ‘tradies’ pub and heard the same sort of thing.

IMO it comes down to money, people feel like they pay too much tax, and then they see Julia spending our money like it’s going out of fashion, then with a straight face, telling us that prices have to go up, that’s part of the plan!

Oh, and a new tax.....

Now go and eat your vegetables voters, and there will be no pudding if you don’t finish your greens !

Harry of Sydney (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:49am)
Jack replied to Harry
Tue 28 Jun 11 (08:29am)

Good Harry, but it might be if the greens don’t finish you.

Sceptic replied to Harry
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:03am)

“No Soup for You!”

Remember this Seinfeld episode.

This formed the basis of Labor “Climate Change” policy.

If we do not line up to get something that is supposed to make us all feel “warm inside”, then its ”No Soup for You” (ie cheques in the mail).

Eccles replied to Harry
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:22am)

But the current Greens arnt the healthy ones.

Bob of Qld replied to Harry
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:17am)

Somehow, 90% of us will remain happy and healthy without
eating our greens.
It’s just the other recalcitrant 10%, the ones who produce power,
jobs, industry etc..  It’s a Marxist thing

How are labor going to prop up these poll figures.Have they not got the message that voters dont like liars. I hope they are not relying on the premisis that after handing out a few pieces of silver that people will change their minds.Tell them to go visit major shopping centres and get out of fantasyland for a day or two,and then they may see why voters dont like them from the very few that are there spending any money.Food prices are high,stores cannot reduce their goods anymore than 50-70%.And these incompetents want to inflict more pain on the people.

coco of qld (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:51am)


Based on second-preference flows at the last election, the Coalition has maintained its clear election-winning lead over Labor of 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

When you think about it, the second preference flows will have changed considerably since the last election.  Not only have a significant number of people realised what a shambles is Labor but an equally significant number will have realised their second preference has brought nothing but incompetence in spades. 

For my money, the situation for Labor is far far worse than this poll suggests excaim

Treeman (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:04am)
Rob G replied to Treeman
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:40am)

21% undecided! One could surmise that these people wont go to the Greens and are Labor supporters just parking their vote.

If so, Gillard better not make ONE MORE mistake!  These are the rusted on voters who if they cross the divide, will never come back!

soldier replied to Treeman
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:52am)

I agree Treeman, if voter intentions today were truly reflected in this poll it would be even more disastrous for Labor.

What is missing is a true assessment of preferences as things stand now, not as counted in the August poll. Who in their right mind would now preference the Greens or any Independents?

These poll questions should include first and second preference intentions. We would then see the true picture.

Scott replied to Treeman
Tue 28 Jun 11 (11:42am)

Too true Treeman but only if people actually study who or what they vote for.

I was at a mates place last Friday night and was speaking with his mum about the pathetic government we have. She has always been conservative with her voting so she told me she wanted to vote for the Greens so that the people in the bush would be looked after.

Nice sentiment to be sure but that’s what happens when people who know nothing about politics are forced to vote. She was outraged over the Co2 tax and Labor for lying about it so when I informed her that this was the policy of the Greens she was shocked.

Now this will change her vote in the next election but that’s still a few years away and people like her are the reason we are in this mess at the moment.

Gillard can keep working at sandblasting off that rusted on Labor base with figures like these.  Maybe one day the Labor MP’s will realise that she’s bad news and get rid of her?  Or are they still supporting her?

Never thought I’d see the day where Abbott overtakes Gillard as preferred PM… that’s got to be lowering for Julia.

Spin Baby, Spin (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:06am)

Meanwhile, in ABC RadioNationaland, Philip Adams and Laura Tingle were last night discussing how Abbott’s campaign against the Carbon Tax was “running out of puff.” Dreaming.

Bearbrass (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:26am)
Sceptic replied to Bearbrass
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:00am)

The French Dumped their proposed “carbon” Tax.

It took at hiding at the elections to do it.

Coconut replied to Bearbrass
Tue 28 Jun 11 (10:47am)

Gosh. Someone still listens to Philip Adams?

Boiling Frog replied to Bearbrass
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:08pm)

Philip who?

She’s setting the benchmark on how low a PM can take their party in the polls.

Mark of Springwood (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:32am)

Also Rudd and Turnbull have shown themselves to be just politicians, they will never be Statesmen.

Acushla (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:33am)

I dunno - I reckon she’s doing a great job. So much so, that I think she might just be a Liberal ‘sleeper’ agent.

Crockcity of Qld (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:35am)

How low does she have to go before Labor do something. She is taking the whole party with her. Surely some backbenchers will cross the floor just to save their own skins

neocons'R'us replied to judy from the ridge
Tue 28 Jun 11 (08:55am)

Yeah, judy from the ridge etc: Labor politicians crossing the floor, in both our dreams…

Rob G replied to judy from the ridge
Tue 28 Jun 11 (09:41am)

We live in hope!

GoYouBlues replied to judy from the ridge
Tue 28 Jun 11 (11:55am)

And risk having their houses burned down, toes removed or knees belted with a baseball bat, etc?  Anybody in Labor who crosses the floor risks something along these lines.  Democracy reigns in that party - not!

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Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt's columns appear in Melbourne's Herald Sun, Sydney's Daily Telegraph and Adelaide's Advertiser. He runs the most-read political blog in Australia and hosts Channel 10’s The Bolt Report each Sunday at 10am and 4.30pm. He appears on Melbourne’s MTR 1377 each weekday at 8am. His book 'Still Not Sorry' was released in 2006.


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