Andrew Bolt

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 12:04am

Six years ago, Al Gore warned that global warning would give us stronger hurricanes and cyclones - and had already given us more of them:

Here’s what I think we here understand about Hurricane Katrina and global warming. Yes, it is true that no single hurricane can be blamed on global warming. Hurricanes have come for a long time, and will continue to come in the future. Yes, it is true that the science does not definitively tell us that global warming increases the frequency of hurricanes - because yes, it is true there is a multi-decadal cycle, twenty to forty years that profoundly affects the number of hurricanes that come in any single hurricane season. But it is also true that the science is extremely clear now, that warmer oceans make the average hurricane stronger, not only makes the winds stronger, but dramatically increases the moisture from the oceans evaporating into the storm - thus magnifying its destructive power - makes the duration, as well as the intensity of the hurricane, stronger.

Last year we had a lot of hurricanes. Last year, Japan set an all-time record for typhoons: ten, the previous record was seven. Last year the science textbooks had to be re-written. They said, “It’s impossible to have a hurricane in the south Atlantic.” We had the first one last year, in Brazil. We had an all-time record last year for tornadoes in the United States, 1,717 - largely because hurricanes spawned tornadoes.

But we’ve seen the opposite:

During the past 6-years since Hurricane Katrina, global tropical cyclone frequency and energy have decreased dramatically, and are currently at near-historical record lows.  According to a new peer-reviewed research paper accepted to be published, only 69 tropical storms were observed globally during 2010, the fewest in almost 40-years of reliable records.

Furthermore, when each storm’s intensity and duration were taken into account, the total global tropical cyclone accumulated energy (ACE) was found to have fallen by half to the lowest level since 1977.

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The warmists will be happy. It is at the EXTREME end of the scale.
cool smile

John of Cloverdale WA (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:23am)
Laertes replied to John
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:20pm)

Ah but don’t you see John that the warmists have triumphed as they have actually decreased the number due to their political pressure on weather systems!

Imagine Al Gore for just once in his life telling the truth.  smile

Same for all the other Global Warming racketeers, spruikers and parasites who know that the truth getting out would dump a torrential downpour on their parade.

Ant of Melbourne (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:36am)

To determine whether warmer temperatures affect hurricane intensity, one study began by defining the potential destructiveness of a hurricane based on the dissipation of power, integrated over the lifetime of a hurricane (Emanuel 2005). The Power Dissipation Index is found to increase since the mid-1970s, due to both longer and more intense storms. Hurricane intensity is also highly correlated with sea surface temperature. This suggests that future warming will lead to an increase in the destructive potential of tropical hurricanes.

tony of enfield (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:43am)
Graeme replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:20pm)

Hi Tony, highly correlated is not equal to causation.

Plus if you actually follow through on the links you get ot this graph for the last 40 years of data.

Note the downward trend, over the exact period when AGW is meant to be kicking in.

From the evidence it is crystal clear the increased storm energy is not correlated to increasing CO2 - unless you would like to claim that the causation is an inverse relationship - i.e. CO2 goes up, storm energy goes down?

pie finger replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:51pm)

copy and pasting again michael F? do you know what it means?
opps, sorry thats right, it is"tony of enfield” isnt it?
how silly of me .

rukidding replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:00pm)

No tony your lot said more storms nothing about intensity.
Talk about changing the story to fit the observation.But then the IPCC has been doing that for ever.Next you will be telling us that although the temperature has not increased in ten years it is more intense. LOL  LOL

Garry replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:37pm)

Hi Tony
This same author is part of a team that published just last year, saying,
“it remains uncertain whether past changes in tropical cyclone activity have exceeded the variability expected from natural causes.” It would seem therefore that Emanuel’s earlier work has not been substantiated.

Moreover, Christopher Landsea, a tropical storm expert resigned from the IPCC in 2005 because of the complete falsification of observations demonstrating that hurricanes had neither increased in frequency nor intensity over the long term.

Modelling is fine, but must be modified when observation contradicts the predictions made by them. As you can see from Andrew’s article, the models predicting increased tropical strom frequecny and intensity are wrong.

you crow about this paper being peer reviewed and published. however according to your previous posts the peer review process is flawed and corrupt. which is it? when a paper that suits your agenda is published ,then peer review is valid and relevant. and if a paper that contradicts your agenda [ and there are 10000 such papers in the last ipcc report ] then it cannot be trusted. if this paper was published that also destroys your claim that the scientific establishment is involved in a conspiracy. and if this one paper was accepted for publication why isnt anything by bob carter accepted for publication. ?

tony of enfield (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:00am)
Graeme replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:11pm)

Tony - the argument is more nuanced than that. Pal (as opposed to Peer Review) can block or delay papers.

For instance, Lindzen’s and Choi’s recent paper on negative feedbacks for CO2 took two years to get through the Peer Review process - see what happened at the following link.

Note also that negative feedbacks for CO2 is explosive to the AGW hypothesis as it blows away the idea that there will be catastrophic warming.

Cynicmonster replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:54pm)

Tony, it is the alarmists who claim published papers have to be peer-reviewed to have any credibility. Are you saying that that this peer-reviewed paper is not credible?

Why not...?

Leonie replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:54pm)

That bit of information is there specifically for you tony, you (or your ilk) are always going on about the importance of peer review so you have no comeback on that score here. I see you found a unicorn though, how about addressing the article.

Leonie replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:59pm)

you crow about this paper being peer reviewed and published

BTW tony, this is the extent of what Andrew said on the paper, But we’ve seen the opposite:

The rest, in italics in the post, is a cut and paste from an article, which if you click on the link will show you who said it.

Polyaulax replied to tony
Tue 28 Jun 11 (05:50pm)

Yes,you have pointed out the double standards and inconsistency that ruin pseudo-skeptical arguments.

This paper was peer-reviewed,and none of the usual suspects have raised a stink about it getting a rough ride from ideologically hostile

Another thing to note is that it is just a ‘history’ paper,documenting numbers.It is not looking into mechanisms or testing hypotheses,so it is just a basic accounting paper,and as such is uncontentious,even though it has been roped into the ‘debate’.

Bob Carter is retired,which is not to say he could not author or co-author more papers.It’s just climate isn’t his field,his one co-effort in climate was poor,and he clearly is more interested in politics than science nowadays.He seems to think he is more effective avoiding scientific engagements....

Andrew,explain how the second excerpt renders the first in complete error...six years after Gore’s caveated comment,numbers are down.In a highly variable field,this is not unexpectable. An extra six or more years data [that Gore did not have when he made his statements based on citing research current to just before he spoke] may cast things in less certain light.

Gore mentioned the highly unpredictable frequency of hurricanes. So no contradiction there. Fewer hurricanes means lower accumulated energy,unless the few that occur are all Cat 4s and 5s...much more energetic than average. Fewer storms are reaching tropical storm strength,but,when they do,the number making cyclone strength has barely declined,according to Maue’s Fig 2.

One point not mentioned is that more storms have been observed to go through very rapid intensification,even while numbers are down. Another point: 2010 saw the lowest number of storms,but also a long term average equalling number reaching Cat 4 and 5...21% of the storms that did occur. So proportionally,while not in absolute numbers,2010 saw more high intensity storms than any other. That does not undermine the Gore statement.

The test of Gore’s comment is to keep an eye on that ratio of a years highest intensity storms to that years storm count,not to the overall years of highest total count.

Polyaulax (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:09am)
Graeme replied to Polyaulax
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:22pm)

Polyaulax - is there any physical, empirical event/evidence if it were to arrive that would refute the hypothesis of AGW?

If not - how is the hypothesis of AGW different from a faith based religeous belief?

Thanks - I would really like to know.

the Dean replied to Polyaulax
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:28pm)

Good grief, take a look at yourselves already and how bad you guys have to contort yourself into these dogmatic pretzels, just to rationalize all of these failed predictions and theories.

rukidding replied to Polyaulax
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:51pm)

Give it up poly your mob has been saying for ages that the storms would increase and they havn’t that the temp was going up and it hasn’t.
Michael F has been trying to tell anybody who would listen how much bad weather we had last year.
By the way were is MF?.Had to go back to re education camp did he to get some more talking points LOL

david wheeler replied to Polyaulax
Tue 28 Jun 11 (05:42pm)

poly, 2010 showed the most volatile weather patters since 1814, i would read the news a little more often if i were you. floods drought, tornados. all predicted. over a 100 years ago. you are in denial and know nothing about the subject

So much for the worst weather we have ever seen from our alarmist friends.
Put that in you pipe LOL

rukidding (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:41am)

where in the paper did the scientist refute AGW.? Predicted cyclone activity is not a guaranteed thing. however it is good to see andrew finally acknowledge the importance of peer review and publication in regard to science, particularly climate science. now for that one paper. and that paper in no way rejects AGW. there are 10000 peer reviewed published papers in the ipcc report for you to consider.

tom of adelaide (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:45am)
Steve Frankes replied to tom
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:24pm)

Yes 10000 papers all altered or ommited to suit the IPPC agenda, only 1 page mentions AGW and that one doesnt even have facts just a hair brained theory. Next time read it!

Graeme replied to tom
Tue 28 Jun 11 (12:41pm)

Hi Tom,

The UN IPCC 2007 TAR report contained 18,531 references , or which 5,587 are non-peer reviewed grey literature that are not to be used according to IPCC rules.

The grey literature includes press releases, newspaper and magazine articles, discussion papers, MA and PhD theses, working papers, and advocacy literature published by environmental groups.

Unfortunately for the AGW hypothesis the grey literature dominates the chapter on attribution which fingers humanity (instead of nature) for global warming.

Google “IPCC Grey Literature Audit” to find links to what has been discovered.

“Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge. ”

--Lao Tzu, 6th Century BC Chinese Poet

“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.”

--Nils Bohr, Nobel laureate in Physics

“An unsophisticated forecaster uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts - for support rather than for illumination. ”

--After Andrew Lang

Sceptic of Geelong (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (01:55am)

Gee, its been cold up here in Darwin this year! Coldest 12.8 degrees Celsius overnight compared to about 16 degrees last year. Many nights this year under last year’s 16 degrees.

Lots of cardigans and hoodies seen this year. Didn’t see any last year.

NT ALP Govt might have to start a global COOLING tax. They will tax anything that keeps you warm, but won’t tax things that keep you cool like air conditioners, fridges, cold beverages, etc. [They won’t want to be left behind when all the others jump on the bandwagon!]

Shalom, brrr.

Mike of Darwin of Darwin (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:12am)

On Bob Carter’s personal webpage, it states that he receives no research funding from special interest groups or energy companies. The bio goes on to say that Carter strives to provide critical and dispassionate analysis based on facts and knowledge. Yet carter sits on the research committee of the Institute of Public Affairs, a think tank that has received funding from oil and tobacco companies. companies in the fossil fuel sector. The Institute of Public Affairs has received funding from oil and tobacco companies. of adelaide (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (02:56am)

Global surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere summer of 2010 were slightly below 2009, but NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies reports that the season was still the 4th warmest in 131 years of records.

Regional differences were naturally variable, but GISS Director James Hansen said the global differences from last year to this were the result of changing ocean conditions in the Tropics. “2010 was a bit cooler than 2009 mainly because a moderate El Nino in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during late 2009 and early 2010 has been replaced by a moderate La Nina,” he said.

BaAL seems to be asleep.....

Trevor of Melbourne (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (04:44am)

On 26/06/11 Gore posted that ice and snow are disappearing from Mt Ranier.  Meanwhile, the National Park at Mt Ranier is closed due to the excessive snow build up. Snow Job.  The snow pack in the US is unusually high.  It’s summer now, but the snow still hasn’t melted.  When it does, flooding is expected.

PICarl of Brisbane (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (05:02am)

Meanwhile, in the outside world:

The 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years. Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue to increase

You are food for the gullible, Mr Bolt, nothing more.Some, iIf they weren’t believing you they would be queuing for snake oil cures.

Right wing media campaigns will not sway science, now or ever.

Gideroy Lochart of Sydney (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (05:46am)

S**T! we better hurry up and get this Carbon Dioxide Tax through before it’s too late. Too late for what?
And by the way, I’m really quite annoyed at whoever it was that nicked the “Vote Greens” and “Say Yes” stickers from the rear window of my 4wd at Northcote Coles last Saturday.

Taxman of Thornbury (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (05:56am)

I’m no scientist, but i do know how to read! If every projection and every prediction you make turns out to be wrong.
Then the product you are selling is a FRAUD!
The Australian people are not stupid!

road runner of lane cove (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:07am)

Quite right Andrew and Gore also says Hurricane strength and frequency would increase due to rising Ocean Temperatures ..... except Ocean Temperatures aren’t rising based on 3,000 Argo buoys and consistent with the well documented reduction in total cyclonic energy in recent times. It seems the wonderfully romantic theory of the alarmists continues to crumble in the face of mounting empirical evidence to the contrary!

Argo Ocean Temps

Jason (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:16am)

Al Gore is only in the warmist camp for the money!!!! Along with Maurice Strong they are making millions from software designed to help “industry” downsize their carbon footprint. He was a complete laughing stock as a politician, now the gullible pathetic greens hold him up as some messiah, he is coining it Bob!!!!!

Lord Muck (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:42am)

Weather Underground founder Jeff Masters - in the last 18 months:

§ Earth’s hottest year on record

§ Most extreme winter Arctic atmospheric circulation on record

§ Arctic sea ice: lowest volume on record, 3rd lowest extent

§ Record melting in Greenland, and a massive calving event

§ Second most extreme shift from El Niño to La Niña

§ Second worst coral bleaching year

§ Wettest year over land

§ Amazon rainforest experiences its 2nd 100-year drought in 5 years

§ Global tropical cyclone activity lowest on record

§ A hyperactive Atlantic hurricane season: 3rd busiest on record

§ A rare tropical storm in the South Atlantic

§ Strongest storm in Southwestern U.S. history

§ Strongest non-coastal storm in U.S. history

§ Weakest and latest-ending East Asian monsoon on record

§ No monsoon depressions in India’s Southwest Monsoon for 2nd time in 134 years

§ The Pakistani flood: most expensive natural disaster in Pakistan’s history

§ The Russian heat wave and drought: deadliest heat wave in human history

§ Record rains trigger Australia’s most expensive natural disaster in history

§ Heaviest rains on record trigger Colombia’s worst flooding disaster in history

§ Tennessee’s 1-in-1000 year flood kills 30, does $2.4 billion in damage

Masters argument is straightforward:

…it is highly improbable that the remarkable extreme weather events of 2010 and 2011 could have all happened in such a short period of time without some powerful climate-altering force at work. The best science we have right now maintains that human-caused emissions of heat-trapping gases like CO2 are the most likely cause of such a climate-altering force.

AS (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (06:48am)

Maybe Al will have a picture of the Southern Hemisphere Hurricane on the cover of his next book “The Inconvenient Science”

Wombatears of Far North Coast (Reply)
Tue 28 Jun 11 (07:04am)

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Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt

Andrew Bolt's columns appear in Melbourne's Herald Sun, Sydney's Daily Telegraph and Adelaide's Advertiser. He runs the most-read political blog in Australia and hosts Channel 10’s The Bolt Report each Sunday at 10am and 4.30pm. He appears on Melbourne’s MTR 1377 each weekday at 8am. His book 'Still Not Sorry' was released in 2006.


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