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Vancouver police poised to lay riot charges


CTV News Video

St. John Alexander on erasing scars of the riot
CTV News Channel: Chief Const. Jim Chu takes questions
CTV News Channel: Gregor Robertson, Vancouver mayor
CTV News Channel: Charles Gauthier, executive director
Canada AM: Steven Skurka, legal analyst
MyNews: Man knocked out during Vancouver riot
Canada AM: Daniel Leandro, creator

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These charges should all be under the criminal code. No passports, no US travel etc.

Ian Ball

Vancouver police poised to lay riot charges

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Vancouver police poised to lay riot charges

By: News Staff

Date: Friday Jun. 17, 2011 4:15 PM PT

Vancouver police are preparing to lay their first charges in connection with the riot that damaged an estimated 50 downtown buildings after the Stanley Cup final.

Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu said investigators have requested approval of charges against a male suspect who has turned himself into police.

"This male is going to be charged with arson to property, mischief, unlawful assembly and participation in the riot," Chu told reporters during a press conference on Friday.

Chu said police intend to "vigorously pursue those lawbreakers" who smashed windows, lit fires and looted stores during the mayhem that erupted on Wednesday night.

The shocking street scenes that followed the Canucks loss have prompted many Vancouver residents to show up in the downtown core and help with the cleanup.

Mayor Gregor Robertson said Friday that these unsolicited gestures of support were indicative of the commitment Vancouver residents have to their city.

"We love our city and we want to protect what is precious here and we have had great celebrations in recent years that have become part of our city," Robertson told CTV News Channel on Friday. "And we don't want to give that up because of a bunch of thugs."

Both Robertson and B.C. Premier Christy Clark have said the mayhem that followed the Canucks' loss won't stop the city from holding future large-scale events.

Team responds

Meanwhile at a news conference Friday afternoon, Vancouver Canucks general manager Mike Gillis said he hasn't decided whether the franchise will hold any fan appreciation events in the near future.

"On the heels of what just happened I'm unsure about what we should do. We're going to take a couple of days here to think about it and we'll do what we think is appropriate," Gillis told reporters. "I'm concerned about anything that reflects poorly on us and the city we represent."

He said the rioters were "not reflective" of the team's fan base and he hopes "they're punished to the full extent of the law."

Extent of looting not yet known

Charles Gauthier, the head of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association, said it is not yet known how much merchandise was stolen out of shops that looters raided during the riots.

While the property damage and thefts are frustrating to deal with, Gauthier said most business owners accept the fact that a mob mentality was behind the mayhem.

"I think the vast majority of them understand that there was a criminal element to this that took advantage of large crowds and incited others that were on the sidelines to get involved in the violence," Gauthier told CTV News Channel from Vancouver.

More than a dozen cars were burned out during the same riots, which also involved many violent confrontations on the streets.

Hundreds of people took photos as the riots raged and now many of those images have been published online. Many shocked Vancouver residents hope that these photos will help police identify the people responsible for the violence.

Vancouver Province reporter Niamh Scallan was covering the riots on Wednesday night and said she was "shocked" by the destruction and violence.

"It was total devastation. There were garbage cans, dumpsters lit on fire, 15 cars were lit on fire including two police cars that I personally saw," Scallan said Friday.

Psychological factors

Jeffrey Fuhr, a psychologist based in Victoria, B.C., said that a number of factors may have contributed to the rioting.

Some in the crowd complained afterward that they didn't have an "ease of exit," which could have made them anxious, confused and more likely to follow along with what others around them were doing, Fuhr said.

"Much like at the scene of accident, there's kind of macabre interest in the things that you don't really want to see and the fascination with the degree to which people can get out of control," he told CTV News Channel Friday afternoon.

Fuhr also said that since the 1960s, there's been a growing body of research suggesting that the general public is more likely to question authority than in the past.

In the case of the Vancouver riots, he said the crowd seemed to be snapping photos of looting and vandalism undeterred, despite the heavy police presence seeking to disperse them.

With files from The Canadian Press

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VPD, please learn from other police departments around the region and the world. When the "fit hits the shan" you will have to be extremely aggressive to reinstate order. Otherwise, the knuckleheads and anarchists will rule the day.

RK in Coquitlam
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I hope the timid response to this riot by the police is not a result of past criticism by the BC Civil Liberties Association that police were too aggressive in past situations. If people want to riot or not leave the riot area when told, they should cry if they get clubbed and/or arrested.

Joe Average
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Vancouver is still the same place, filled with disrespect and lack of consideration. Add booze, the last playoff game, and a big crowd, you will get a riot everytime. Can't believe the city was not prepared. I guess the Mayor and Police had too high an opinion of today's youth.

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@ CR....based on your 'advise' for the VPD, you have obviously never been in charge of getting a riot under control, or been employed with any kind of law enforcement. Rushing in to save the day immediately would not only have caused more injuries for everyone involved, but would have also fueled the anger and energy the hooligans were already feeding off of. The decisions the VPD made were not spur of the moment decisions made by rookies, they were advised beforehand on how to handle the potential of a riot by several experts who have researched what has and hasn't worked in other cities where riots have occurred. They were trying to minimize damage to our city, as well as the duration of the riot. Unfortunately, they were not able to break up every fight in the crowd where people got hurt - they are not superheros.

Andrew in Vancouver
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Yesterday, I blamed the NWO for the riots and predicted draconian future security measures for everyone and received a massive amount of thumbs down. Today the mayor is placing the blame on anarchists and warning of changes to future security measures. There is a zig-zag right-left reaction going on which is leading to everyone getting caught up in the grip of a global "python" which will be the mark of the beast.

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Someone, somewhere, made the fatal mistake of being arrogant enough to believe the Canucks could not lose. Because if they had even considered that possibility such a riot would not have become possible. Had there been a few hundred people downtown, how much destruction would there have been? Not nearly as much if any at all. We all know that riots require masses of people, usually upset people, and that gathering had all the potential to be exactly what it turned out to be. It only took a few to get a lot more whooping it up. And look what happened. Nope, someone should have made the decision to keep the crowds from the streets in the first place. Who closed the streets? Whe set up cops for the "pour out" as if that helps? Who set up outside big screens, and set up cameras to show the world the fans waiting? All those people had a hand in this. And all should be ashamed of their part in it.

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Gary,I had better check my hay futures today since you have obviously cornered the market to construct that grotesque strawman.Aggressive policing does not mean rushing in with guns a-blazing. There is a wide variety of non-lethal compliance methods available that law enforcement professionals can use. If you are truly as familiar with crowd control as you seem to suggest then you already know this. You also know that sitting on the periphery while fires spiral out of control and the yahoos make a several city block area a no-go zone is not among them!The yobs in Boston also began trying to tip a few police vehicles and the like Wed night. They were quickly dispersed by some quick acting, well prepared action by BPD. And it is not like Bostonians do not riot, witness what happened in '04 when the Red Sox won the AL title (hint: it was pretty bloody). What, pray tell, did BPD do this week that could not be replicated in Vancouver?

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I still think the chief constable needs to be fired for incompetence.

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RE: CR "VPD, please learn from other police departments around the region and the world. When the "fit hits the shan" you will have to be extremely aggressive to reinstate order. Otherwise, the knuckleheads and anarchists will rule the day. "...No they should learn when to ask for backup from the RCMP.

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It’s Vancouver what more needs to be explained. Very pretty place but it would still be pretty if no one was there. What really does BC offer other than what is naturally there. I can’t think of anything else that is good about the place IMHO.

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I totally blame the Mayor of Vancouver for not putting any thought into the large number of people in one area - why was it not spread out? Since he is still going to allow these large events to continue then he should provide all the businesses in the area heavy duty roll gates to protect the businesses from damage and looting! In addition, I hold every individual who remained in the area, caused damage, and looted stores responsible, they are all adults that should know that stealing, damaging property is wrong - how stupid are you people! MAN UP EVERYONE AND TAKE RESPONSIBLITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS, you can't hide the security cameras in the stores you looted have your picture along with your own postings to facebook - way to go Stupid! along with all the news media. Hopefully our legal system will hold each of you accountable and charge you accordingly for your actions, but I am not holding out any hope on that - we don't punish crimmals we baby them.

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And what will happen as it does with all criminals in this Province, they'll plead guilty, grovel for no sentence and will end up with a $20 fine, no criminal record and a slap on the wrist. Yup.

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To all employersIf you see any of your workers as part of this riot,FIRE THEM!

Doug ^^^ BC
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It's not easy to find the fine line here.When the police are to aggressive,people whine about how innocents are caught up in that.When they lay back,the rioters take control,and one again the police get the blame.Then,if the actually arrest and charge these riotong morons,the courts just set them free.Either way,decent,hard working,tax paying,law abiding citizens get the shaft. I heard the mayor on radio this AM.He was pathetic and full of excuses.Yes,it is the rioters and looters who are to blame.But given the level of vitriole in this Stanley Cup,and given that we know there are people in Vancouver who will use any excuse to riot and loot,I have to say that anyone who did not see this coming is just not qualified to be a major of anything. Last week they were arguing about the budget for all of this.My guess,the mayor wanted the money for more bike lanes and chicken coups, and not for policing.The city failed in it's duty to protect the businesses in Vancouver.The same businesses that pay millions and millions of dollars to pay for chicken coups. Build those jails PM.Harper.These people cannot continue to live in our communities.If they can't move out,they can live in a cell. And finally,my friends.Don't buy into weasel words like "anarchist" or "activist".Those words are just convenient replacement words used by people who don't like the word "terrorist". Just like "public funds" is used to replace "tax dollars" by people looking for more freebies.

Gord Storey
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They call them anarchists , really , they are just a bunch of f'n punks. Most would not even have been out on the street is our criminal justice system had any teeth.

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There should be charges of terrorism layed against these clowns, a slap on the wrist isn't going to stop them from ruining events that our beautiful city puts on for us.

Vancouver Police Chief is a Fool
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How the city of Vancouver could not be prepared for the riots is unreal. It's game 7 and across Canada people knew that win or loose there was going to be trouble. The riot could have been crushed quickly with the proper police numbers. Instead, you had several hours of hell raising. the police chief in Cancouver needs to give his hard a hard shake.

R in Kelowna
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The Media is more to blame for the lack of reaction by the VPD than anyone or anything The same media people who are criticizing them for their lack of response would be the first to throw them under the bus for excessive force. You could see the police being taunted and actually contacted physically by these idiots and theire first reaction was to look back at the media cameras!!!!! We have made the police so gunshy that even justified use of force cannot be used!!! Back in the day these little punks would've gotten what they deserved.

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No records available of what happened to those charged in 1994 despite efforts by media. Think that it would be great if media could list all who have been formally charged (or indicate minor) and then complete the list with final disposition. It would be very interesting to see what the legal system and justice system do to support the effort to make these clowns accountable.

Ian Ball
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These charges should all be under the criminal code. No passports, no US travel etc.

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The police did an excellent job and showed care, concern and restraint. For those that don't recall past riots in Vancouver, the VPD charged in on horseback knocking people down etc and then bludgeoned anyone that couldn't get out of the way, women and children etc. Those were police riots and the majority of injuries the hospitals saw were police caused injuries on innocent bystanders. That was a true disgrace. The police responded much differently this time and got it under control much sooner. All the cell phone pictures and videos etc will result in virtually all teh criminals involved being charged. Arson is a very serious offense, as serious as murder!!! Looks good on the idiots!

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It would have been better if the police had distributed some 'rough' justice on the rioters, and by that I mean cracking skulls, because the actual justice system will do nothing except slap them on the hand, despite all their big talk!

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This is absolutely great to hear. Vancouver needs justice!

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During the G20 the cops didn't hesitate to use excessive force, and beat down anyone who stood in their way - the vast majority of whom were peaceful protesters.But when there is real danger and destruction, they just stand around and let chaos ensue?I understand there is a fine line to be walked when trying to keep a riot from becoming even more violent and destructive, but this just makes the VPD look like cowards.

Doug ^^^ BC
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Today the police are poised to lay charges against the parasites and thugs who caused all this havoc. Sadly,two days ago the lawyers got together to make excuse fdor these morons,and yesterday the judges got out their "30 days probation" guideline booklets. Wake up our justice system.Until there are real and some serious smackdowns,these fools will rule the roost.If the justice systems won't do it properly,get the public to hand these people over to the general public,and walk away.We know how to take care of this. Millions of honest,hard working taxpayers can not be held hostage by clowns like this.And NOW is the time to change course.Being "nice" and making excuses for them is an option that didn't work.If tax paying citizens want to enjoy the cities and communities tht they work so hard to build,we either have to fight these people on their own terms,or cull the herd that lives here.

kent pepe
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Sitting 3,000 miles away in Boston, what I know, is Bruins fans flew a great distance to spend money on hotels, food and tickets to watch the end of a great series; what they got, advice to change their colors before leaving the arena; hours stuck trying to work their way back to their hotel rooms, in fear; and, my favorite, the riot was caused by a small group of anarchist.....Your legal system may bring justice to 'the small group of anarchist'; but the class-less immature thousands that cheered, supported and stood by - that shows the world Vancouver's true heart. You're not Canucks - you're CaF#cks.The hero's from Wednesday nitgh, 1) the Bruins (they won), the Canucks (what a season), and the POLICE - police, by job description, are required to protect the lives and property of the community they serve - sadley, they could not do both, and they made the right choice.Kent PepeBoston Transplant - Jersey Devil Fan for Life

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Of course-you must and have to charge using the full legal system. No leniency. We dont want such people .!

John in PoCo
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Much respect to those officers who were out there risking their neck to restore order, but this whole mess could have (and should have) been avoided.The idea that Vancouver is some urban utopia is BS. I don't know why people insist on believing this nonsense. This place if FULL of dirtbags. Putting that many people downtown without a MAJOR police presence (cops on horses, dogs, water cannons a the ready, heck... the freaking army) was a recipe for disaster. Mayor McHippy's head should roll on this (not literally of course).The touchy feely crowd control measures were a joke. High fiving everyone? c'mon, who you foolin? Authority is to be respected (and feared just a little bit). The second any one person started making any moves that looked like instigating a riot, they should have been cracked over the head and dragged away bloody and in handcuffs. Send a message to the rest of them that hooliganism in any form will not be tollerated. Law, order and public safety need to come first, ask questions about the individuals intentions were with that crowbar later. The beatnicks at BC civil liberties protecting the rights of the losers be dammed. Seems like they're only ever protecting the liberties of low lifes that would steal whatever isn't bolted down.

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Dear Media Please Keep Posting All Of The videio and Pictures you have and will recieve Let All thouse involved have their Faces Plastered ALL over the Television. Utube News Papers and whatever else so THEY THAT WERE INVOLVED WILL REALIZE THEY ARE "BUSTED"

Doug ^^^ BC
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Sorry "kent pepe".But Boston gave up any credibility on boorish behaviour before these incidents.The hate experienced by Vancouver Canuck fans down the was third world terrorism at it's best. Two wrongs never made a right.But if you want to talk about real fans,you might have mentioned that Vancouver fans gave your Tim Thomas a long and loud standing ovation,as opposed to your fans cheering as Mason Raymond laid on the ice with a broken back.Can you honestly tell me Boston fans would have cheered any Canuck if Borrows or Lapierre had won game 6 with a late goal.I serously doubt it. We'll fix this.Can Boston say it will do anything about people there urinating on fans of opposing teams? For both of our benefits,I hope the NHL actually does something to quell the hatred that fuels the rage by fans.They we could all enjoy a real hockey series in which spit balling and vitriole are not a part of the game plans. No.We're all angry.But Boston has nothing to teach Vancouver.You guys need to take a lesson from Nashville,or even San Jose.Now there's fans with class.

Linda in Vancouver
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HEY BOSTON FREAK!! What the heck would you expect.You're the ones who encouraged Canucks to stand up for themselves.Well,if anything nasty happened to you,it was just payback,Boston style.If Tampa or Detroit had been playing here,they would have been treated royally. Our fans spent as much,or more,to see games in Boston.They got peed on when they went to the restrooms.Threatened in the streets.One of your own players even "hoped that people in Canuck jerseys got out of the arena safely".And to add to all that,fans cheered and applauded when a Canuck had to be carried of the ice with a serious back injury.Your team and your goalie were given a standing ovation here. Do us all a favour Boston dude.Stay 3000 miles away.