China PR are the winners of the Fair Play Prize for the FIFA Women's World Cup USA 99 thanks to consistent clean play and sportsmanlike behaviour. The high scores also recorded by Sweden, world champions USA and several other teams reflects the positive attitude of the players throughout the competition.

The scores for each match are recorded by FIFA officials present in the stadium and are based on the following criteria:

  • red and yellow cards
  • positive play
  • respect towards the opponent
  • respect towards the referee
  • behaviour of the team officials



Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 1/4 Finals 1/2 Finals 3rd/4th Place Final TOTAL AVERAGE
1 CHINA PR 914 971 829 886 886
857 5343 891
2 SWEDEN 829 829 914 914

3486 872
3 USA 943 914 571 886 857
943 5114 852
4 JAPAN 857 829 829

2515 838
5 NORWAY 857 829 800 800 829 885
5000 833
6 RUSSIA 771 914 829 800

3314 829
7 GERMANY 829 857 800 800

3286 822
8 BRAZIL 914 800 829 743 800 771
4857 810
9 CANADA 829 771 800

2400 800
10 DENMARK 829 771 743

2343 781
11 MEXICO 629 857 800

2286 762
12 ITALY 743 686 829

2258 753
13 NIGERIA 743 829 771 600

2943 736
14 AUSTRALIA 686 771 657

2114 705
14 KOREA DPR 800 600 714

2114 705
16 GHANA 457 457 829

1743 581