Drawing the Zillo Beast

Email Archives
September 2, 2010

Ever wanted to draw Star Wars characters and vehicles just like the professional comic book artists? In this step-by-step series, Star Wars artists and illustrators show you how to draw some of the most beloved characters in the saga.

Star Wars illustrator Katie Cook explains with these easy-to-follow steps how to draw the Zillo Beast from Season 2 of The Clone Wars.

Steps 1-4 are drawn lightly with pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end.

Step One:
Lightly draw with pencil. No pen, no dark lines. Finished lines and details will come at the end!

Step Two:
Lightly draw in your basis body shapes.

Step Three:
Lightly begin to rough in some more of the body and head shape. Now that you have the basic forms roughed in, you can start adding more detail like facial features and hands.

Step Four:
Inking! You can use any pen or marker that you're comfortable with. I use Pigma Micron Pens, but any good black pen or marker will work great! When your ink is dry (and make sure it is!) you can erase all your pencil lines and you'll be left with nice, clean black lines.

Step Five:
Color, color, color! You can use markers, crayons, colored pencils or even your computer! This drawing was colored using a program called Adobe Photoshop!

See all our drawing tutorials in the Star Wars Drawing Archive

Keywords: Drawing, Clone Wars

Filed under: Kids, Stuff to Do
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