Last updated: June 16, 2011

Weather: Sydney 14°C - 19°C . A few showers.

Contiki tips for lust and love on the road

THE tour company with the saucy reputation for sexed-up singles tells Doc Holiday their hot tips on travel romance.

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More to Asia's City of Angels

Destination Thailand

ESCAPE readers reveal their Bangkok travel secrets in this month's Doc Holiday guide, from where to stay to what to visit to the best places to eat.

Aussies are out for old-fashioned service

travel agent

MORE customers are going back-to-basics, with the travel industry, like banks, experiencing demand for personal service.

Most overrated travel bucket list

bungy jump

FROM meeting thug kangaroos to trashed tourist sites, the Naked Traveller reveals the dream trips that didn’t live up to the hype.

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The tourism slogans you'll never see

lara bingle

FORGET slogans that try to entice you to a destination. From London to Vegas, The Naked Traveller gives us the real tourism taglines. 

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Ka-ching! The holiday that pays for itself

Shopping US

By Helen Davidson SOARING dollar means a US shopping trip could pay for your flights there with the savings you make.

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The most expensive place to get sick


IT SEEMS as if everybody knows someone who has needed to see a doctor during an overseas holiday.

Things every traveller should know


FROM not stepping foot in any Aussie bar abroad to BYO toilet paper - Doc Holiday reveals what every seasoned traveller should know. 

Passenger's evil mile-high survival guide

Economy seat

DON’T get mad, get even. Find out the questionable things one man has done to get revenge on annoying passengers.

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How to win at haggling


FROM being ripped off by a toilet attendant to scoring chicken nuggets for 50c - the Naked Traveller takes on the world's hagglers.

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Most outrageous travel fees

Qantas check-in chaos

FROM booking fees to paying to pee, Doc Holiday highlights the tricks the travel industry play to part traveller's of their hard-earned cash.

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Best technology to use while travelling


TRAVEL experts reveal the latest tech tools that can help make your next holiday better and less stressful.

What we hate about travel


SHRINKING legroom, sneaky charges and dirty airline toilets among most popular travel complaints.

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The Naked Traveller

The Lonely Planet Blog

The most disgusting thing I've eaten


FROM chilled sheep's brains to bug pee - the team at Lonely Planet reveal the most disgusting dishes to pass their lips on their travels.

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Where to go in Summer

news image Legend Golf and Sa... - Gallery L'scape Alt (650x433)

From majestic views at the top of Table Mountain to a life-changing encounter with safari wildlife - South Africa has enough to satisfy the adventurer in us all.

2009's best cheap destinations

It’s the end of the monsoon cycle, making temperatures ideal for visiting temple ruins near Siem Reap and Sihanoukville beaches

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