Mission Center: The Episcopal Church: Community


In the Beginning was the Word . . .

A Lectionary is a table of readings from Scripture appointed to be read at public worship.  The association of particular texts with specific days began in the 4th century.  The Lectionary [1969, revised 1981] developed by the Roman Catholic Church after Vatican II provided for a three-year cycle of Sunday readings.  This Roman lectionary provided the basis for lectionary in The Book of Common Prayer 1979 as well as those developed by many other denominations.

The Common Lectionary, published in 1983, was an ecumenical project of several American and Canadian denominations, developed out of a concern for the unity of the Church and a desire for a common experience of Scripture.  It was intended as a harmonization of the many different denominational approaches to the three-year lectionary.  It has been in trial use in the Episcopal Church and among the member denominations since 1983.

Year A: Current Liturgical Season:

Palm Sunday & Holy Week
April 17, 2011 - April 22, 2011

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