E3 All Access
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You're the master of unlocking... this achievement.
Jill Sandwich
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
You are a hardcore fan of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep!
Earned: 8 Times  |  Created: 8 months ago
NHL 11
You are a hardcore fan of NHL 11!
Earned: 4 Times  |  Created: 8 months ago
A Recap?!
They always come back for more...
Earned: 73 Times  |  Created: 8 months ago

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How do achievements and badges work?

Achievements are given out to users who use and contribute to the site in a variety of ways. Watching movies, making comments, posting compelling user movies, game reviews and blogs all contribute to earning achievements. All achievements are recognized by a variety of different badges that will signify your accomplishments. You must be a registered user to begin earning achievements! For more information visit the FAQ page here.

Why do badges matter?

They give you a reason to brag! Check out the leaderboard below to see how you stack up against the other users. At the end of each month we will reward the top three badge earners with prizes such as games, GT merchandise and other gear. So get clicking and creating!