Submit A Link
Official social media presences should register their site on their Service-specific registry, as listed below. After the Services have approved the site, it will be added to the main DOD registry. This submission form is for all other Department of Defense and CoCom-level official presences.

Army -
Navy -
Marines -
Air Force -

Organization :
Your Phone Number Social Media Website?
Organization's Email Address so we may respond to your request
Website URL : please include full address such as
Website Title : how your link will appear on our site

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.  How long does it take for a link to be approved?
A1.  We will review your request and provide a response no later than two work days.

Q2.  Why do you need my organization's phone number and organization email?
A2.  So that we may contact you if we have any questions.

Q3.   What does "Website Title" mean?
A3.  A website title is how your site name will appear on our site.  

Q4.   Who do I contact if I have a problem with the submission form?
A4.  Please click here to send an email to our helpdesk and we will try to resolve your problem as quickly as possible.

More questions will be added when received.