You can't hold water you know...

The video for Cheryl Cole’s The Flood has just landed and we thought you’d want to get a look in before the entire world has seen it.

We’d like to talk a bit about and weigh in on it, but the truth is, the first time we hear Cheryl’s songs we always feel a bit under whelmed and disappointed, until a week later when we are struck, as if with lightning, by the genius of the song.

What we will say about the video is that Cheryl spends a lot of it writhing around on her bed, but still in full makeup (do you think she wears her makeup to bed?) and doing a lot of running. Now we’ve never seen Cheryl run before so this was quite a novelty.

Anyway take a look at The Flood and see Chez run.

What did you think? Bit gloomy wasn’t it? Maybe she thinks that that’s what regular people do, wear cardies and scarves and go out when the weather’s a bit rubbish.

We’d like to debate whether the song was about Ashley or not, but in doing so would mean that we would shudder and give him far more attention that what he deserves.

So anyway, tell us what you think, it’s no Fight For Our Love is it?