• Mo Marley
  • Lucy Bronze

A competitive streak

Thursday, 08 July, 2010 

The squad get into their training routine with six days to kick-off.

Another early call, and out on the training pitch at 10am again. This routine feels good for the girls, as the quality of play in training is good and there’s a real sense of hunger within the squad.

We began training with some sharp sprints where our three teams competed, team 'Shaka' coming out on top whereas team 'baby' had the best celebration! Then some defending work brought out our resilience even on the training pitch, where all the girls were eager to compete and create a really good squad morale.

Back to the hotel for some lunch, and straight to the outdoor pool which proved a lot of fun with some of the senior members of the squad, who seemed to have the time of their lives playing on a baby slide! (Michelle [Hinnigan] and both Lucys [Staniforth and Bronze])! Then it was back to the team hotel for ice baths.

An afternoon of rounders in the park also proved very popular, perhaps more so by the staff team! Where all the three player teams competed against each other, as did the staff team who ended up falling over a lot. Donna the video tech raised a few eyebrows with her running technique around the bases!

After the fun, it was back to our meeting room to again discuss the day’s session and how we can improve.

All in all, another constructive day here in Ausberg.

  • Just looooove these daily blogs....it feels as if you're actually there! .....and we WILL be next Friday....can't wait!By Johno (11 months ago)