Dutton Park

Postcode: 4102 | Distance to CBD: 5 km

Welcome to Dutton Park

Eleanor Schonell Bridge

Dutton Park on the Brisbane River is an interesting suburb with a mixture of the very old and very new.

The Eleanor Schonell Bridge exclusively for buses, pedestrians and cyclists opened in December 2006 and connects Dutton Park with the University of Queensland Campus at St Lucia.

The Dutton Park Cemetery also known as the South Brisbane Cemetery is situated across the road from the bridge and established in 1866 is one of Brisbane's earliest cemeteries.

Dutton Park was also long known for the Boggo Road Gaol which operated from the 1860s to the 1990s with only the original heritage listed Division No. 2 Gaol now remaining.

The site will soon become the Boggo Road Urban Village due for completion in 2010 with the Boggo Road busway on target for completion in mid 2009.


Dutton Park is roughly 5km from Brisbane’s CBD. Over 39% of households in this area are comprised of couples with children and a further 34% are couples without children. Stand alone house account for 54% of all dwellings in this area, with units accounting for a further 44%. Dutton Park is on the river, is fairly close to town and features plenty of parks and green space.

Local Events

Find out about events planned in and around this suburb. You can list your own events in our Brisbane-wide events calendar for free.

Eating and drinking
There are plenty of great dining options in and around Dutton Park. If you’re looking for a local café, take-away, pub or restaurant you’ll find it here.
Fairfield Gardens shopping centre on Fairfield Road and Annerley Shopping Centre on Ipswich Road are nearby and are both good for grocery shopping. There are also local shops throughout this area.
If you're looking for playgroups, childcare, kindergartens or schools in this area, you'll find them here.
Check out this section for things to do in your spare time. There's sport, leisure activities, local events and more.
Bernie says: I like my suburb of Dutton Park because it is so centrally located. It's easy for me to walk, cycle or drive just about anywhere in and around Brisbane. Not only that, we have some nice green spaces as well.

More Dutton Park information

REIQ Profile

Take a look at REIQ's real estate profile. You can find suburb statistics, get a feel for its "character" and check out the median house prices and rents.


Learn about the Aboriginal history, urban development, notable residents and landmarks of the area.

Pocket Neighbourhood Guide

Your neighbourhood at a glance. Discover the secrets of the local area... as well as what makes it special.

Dutton Park tales

1974 Brisbane floods on film

Watch footage of the 1974 Brisbane floods…more

Dutton Park photos

Real Estate values for Dutton Park
Median house price
no data available
Price change over quarter
no data available
3-bedroom house rental price
2-bedroom unit rental price
Median house price for September 2010 supplied by The Real Estate Institute of Qld
Rental price for September 2010 supplied by Residential Tenancies Authority
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