Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions

Making Sense of Transatlantic English
ISBN13: 9780195157048ISBN10: 0195157044 Hardback, 320 pages
Nov 2002,  In Stock


$37.95 (01)


Have you ever traveled to England, been offered a "fairycake," and not known how to respond? Have you ever had to explain the difference between a "sleeping policeman" and a "speed bump" to a visiting Brit? Are you sure you know the difference between a "chip" and a "crisp"? (Transatlantic English) is a practical and entertaining guide to the differences between American and British English. As if written from a point in the Atlantic ocean exactly between Britain and the U.S., this book catalogs the differences between the "two" languages by taking a culturally neutral stance - addressing the needs of both British and American readers and listeners. Not a collection of lists, the chapters of (Transatlantic English) are arranged around important and familiar topics, including Politics, Law, and Government; Business and Money; Medicine and Healthcare; Education; Food, Clothing, and Shelter; Profanity and Obscenity, making this book essential not only for word lovers, but also students abroad, business and casual travelers, and anyone confused by the differences in our common tongue. With (Transatlantic English) you won't be caught with your "knickers" down again.


"A well-organized guide to the differences between American and British English....A very readable book that is as entertaining as it is informative."--Library Journal "A scholarly but highly readable dissection of the differences between British and American English."--Copyeditor

Product Details

320 pages; 6-1/8 x 9-1/4; ISBN13: 978-0-19-515704-8ISBN10: 0-19-515704-4

About the Author(s)

Orin Hargraves is a long-time freelance lexicographer with much experience in both the U.S. and U.K. editing.

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