


Paging the SuperNanny

 In all my years of channel surfing, I rarely stopped to watch Jo Frost, the popular "Super Nanny," whip kids and parents into shape. 
I couldn’t bring myself to view out-of-control children screaming and carrying on, as their clueless parents screamed back or put their hands up in defeat.  I vowed that my life would never mirror theirs and that I would parent with poise and control.  And when it came to my own children, I would create boundaries and establish “discipline.”
And up until a few weeks ago my parenting techniques were working.  My son was agreeable and fun loving and respected the “rules” of the house.  But that was before winter break and flu season. 
When he got sick, my disciplinary rules went out the window.  Treats became automatics. Snacks become meals. TV minutes became hours.  Bedtime became a negotiation.
Hewas in control, and I was enabling him. 
I wondered how, out of nowhere, my sweet, sensitive, well-behaved child turned into a tantruming toddler whose favorite word was a screeching, “Noooooooooo!!”  When did this shift happen, and why am I being ignored?  I anticipated mommy backlash at age 16, not three. 
For the first three years of his life, I could reason successfully with my son.  On the rare occasion that good sense didn’t work, we’d enter into a healthy negotiation that resulted in a compromise.  If he whined I’d ignore him and he would quickly give it up.  He welcomed rules around bedtime and even willingly brushed his teeth. 

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