Webmaster Headlines & RSS Feed


You can now add a directory list from starwars.com to your website to keep your readers up-to-date on the latest official word on the events leading up to Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Your site will always be up-to-the minute! Just add the following single line of html code to one of your web pages, and the content will automatically update with each new release.

< script language='javascript' src='http://www.starwars.com/data/headlines.js>< /script>

The headlines will appear in any font, size, style, background and color you set. Here's one example...

Customizing Your Headlines

If you'd like even more control over your starwars.com headline integration, you can add the following block of code to your page anywhere above the hl.js call to customize the results.

< script language="JavaScript">< !--
var swcom_numheadlines = 8;
var swcom_linkcolor = "#444444";
var swcom_header = true;
var swcom_bullet = true;
// -->< /script>

These variables control number of headlines displayed (up to 15), the hexadecimal color value to use for linked text, inclusion/exclusion of the Star Wars Today title, inclusion/exclusion of the bullet in front of the headlines.


StarWars.com headlines are also available in in the popular RSS XML format at: http://www.starwars.com/data/headlines.xml

Please note that you may not use or copy any content from starwars.com. Any use of the link or code provided above does not imply an endorsement, affiliation or sponsorship of the referring site in accordance with the terms of service. Such code is provided "as is", no warrantee is expressed or implied. Lucas Online reserves the right to change or release the service at any time.
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