Origami Vader debuts in Darth Paper Strikes Back

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February 10, 2011

By Bonnie Burton

Origami Yoda returns to McQuarrie Middle School to aid students Dwight, Tommy, Kellen, Sara, Rhondella and the others, but this time he'll be joined by none other than Darth Vader in the new book: Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger.

A four-month online poll at OrigamiYoda.com collected more than 10,000 votes for the Star Wars character that fans most wanted to see in the sequel to the bestselling The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger. Darth Vader won, and as a result, Amulet Books, an imprint of Abrams, will be releasing the new book Darth Paper Strikes Back this Fall.

Following the creative design and format set by Origami Yoda, Darth Paper will feature an origami Darth Vader on the cover and instructions to fold your own Darth Vader, plus other surprise bonuses in the back. The concept for both Origami Yoda and Darth Paper were created by author Tom Angleberger.

StarWars.com chats with author Tom Angleberger about his inspiration for The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and the upcoming sequel Darth Paper Strikes Back.

Why did you decide to write The Strange Case of Origami Yoda?

I was inspired by seeing Fukiami Kawahata's incredible origami Yoda online. Anyone who hasn't seen it should Google it immediately. It's a work of art! I've been a fan of both Star Wars and paper-folding for most of my life, so, of course, I wanted to fold one myself. But I could tell Kawahata's was too difficult for me. So I tried to make a simple one.

By chance, it worked as a finger puppet. If it hadn't, the book probably wouldn't exist. It was actually having this Yoda finger puppet around the house that made the story come to life. So, the book is about a kid who makes an Origami Yoda and takes it to school where it gives Jedi-worthy advice.

Why do you think a book written from different characters' voices is more fun to read?

It lets all the different kids tell their Origami Yoda story, without us ever hearing directly from the kid who made Origami Yoda. That way we're never sure if it was just the kid doing a bad Yoda impression or if Origami Yoda really taps into the Force.

If you were a kid, what do you think you would have asked Origami Yoda?

When I was a kid -- a short, funny-looking, nerd with a big mouth -- I needed Origami Yoda's help on a daily basis to get out of all sorts of jams, embarrassments, etc. The book was really a chance to re-write my disastrous middle school years and give me the Jedi wisdom I needed back then. Of course, if I had had it, I wouldn't have the embarrassing material needed to write the book.

What was the funnest moment you had on your Origami Yoda book tour? The best moment so far -- and there have been a lot -- was appearing with illustrator/super-genius Chris Reiff and members of the 501st Legion at a "Star Wars Extravaganza." Hundreds of pumped-up Star Wars fans folded their own Origami Yodas at the same time. Celebration V was amazing, too. So great to be in this temporary city where fans are showing off their obsessive projects and, instead of being snickered at, they are applauded and appreciated.

Now you've returned with Origami Darth Vader! Will he be dishing out advice as well?

Darth Paper has one mission: Destroy Origami Yoda.

Darth Vader doesn't strike me as a good advice giver? Are we in for a few devious suggestions in the book?

The character who comes under Darth Paper's dark powers will do something almost unforgivably bad.

Origami Darth Vader can't Force choke people can he? Or does he just destroy other paper crafts?

Darth Paper doesn't actually have a hand, so he can't do the Force choke or even make his famous fist!

Why do you think Star Wars fans will enjoy your sequel?

I sure hope they enjoy it! Because they asked for it. They basically demanded another book and they demanded that it star Darth Vader. I think they were right. Plus, there are lots and lots of Star War references for them to catch.

If fans want to learn how to make your origami characters, where should they go?

The first book had instructions for folding Origami Yoda. The second will have instructions for making Darth Paper. And there are more instructions -- including Ackbar and R2D2 -- at OrigamiYoda.com. To get into more advanced Star Wars origami, visit Chris Alexander's StarWarsOrigami.com and fold his Millennium Falcon.

Read more about both books on the official Origami Yoda book site.

Keywords: Young Reader

Filed under: Kids, Stuff to Read, Vault, Books

Databank: Vader, Darth
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