Opinion - Randy Cohen



    Randy Cohen – Wed Dec 22, 10:27 am ET  

    In my job, I get many presents from vendors, recently including a particularly thoughtful gift, but one I have no use for. Instead of having it clutter my office or throwing it away, I am considering giving it to someone else in appreciation for some work done on a recent project. Is such regifting ethical? -- P.O., San Francisco Full Story »


    Randy Cohen – Sun Dec 12, 7:58 pm ET  

    My wife and I frequently transport our 4-year-old and 1-year-old by bicycle. They wear helmets and ride in a trailer or bike-mounted seats. People sometimes challenge us, asking if this is safe. The chances of our being hit by a car are low, but the consequences could be catastrophic. Is it O.K. to take the kids by bike when our admittedly safer, albeit not risk-free, car is available? -- Derek Pelletier, Portland, Me. Full Story »


    Randy Cohen – Sun Dec 5, 7:58 pm ET  

    My father-in-law suffers from chronic kidney disease and expects to need a transplant in the not-too-distant future. Full Story »


    Randy Cohen – Sun Nov 28, 7:57 pm ET  

    My same-sex partner and I are legally married in another country, a marriage not recognized by our state or (obviously) federal government, with significant negative consequences to our modest financial situation. Full Story »