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Palin Grabs Her Moment

by Peter Beinart Info

Peter Beinart

There is no better moment for the ex-governor, who would snare most of the social-conservative votes that might have gone to Mike Huckabee and Haley Barbour—and in 2016 would be old news and face a stronger primary field, writes Peter Beinart.

Sarah Palin showed up at the Rolling Thunder bikers’ rally Sunday and said nothing, thus throwing the press into a frenzy. Now she’s headed to various other patriotic sites, which will send the press into further spasms. Everywhere she goes, she’s mobbed. Which leads me to this admittedly far-fetched thought experiment: if I were Sarah Palin why wouldn’t I run for president?


There will be never be a better moment. A conventional politician might bide his or her time, amass a record of solid governance, and wait for 2016, when there won’t be an incumbent on the ticket. But Palin doesn’t want to govern, at least not at the state level, as evidenced by her decision to leave the Alaska governorship. So she’d enter the 2016 race with no better qualifications than she has now, and probably face a stronger primary field. Worse, she’d be old news. What makes Palin fascinating is the contrast between her reality-TV show persona and the fact that a major party nominated her for vice president. The further she gets from that legitimizing event, the more she’ll seem like just another tabloid wacko.

Gallery: Politicians on Motorcycles

Article - Politicians on Motorcycles

The conventional wisdom is that the Republican establishment will rally around whoever it needs to defeat Palin. But that might not be so easy. With Mike Huckabee, John Thune and Haley Barbour all skipping the race, Palin could claim much of the social-conservative vote. Yes, Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann play in that space, but they’re chihuahuas. Palin is the big dog. Her support among Christian evangelicals would prove particularly valuable in Iowa, whose low-turnout caucuses reward intensity of support, not breadth. In Iowa, passion can beat organization: In 2008, Huckabee beat Mitt Romney there by nine points. And in Iowa, extremism is no vice: Pat Robertson beat George H.W. Bush there in 1988. It’s the perfect state for her.

Palin would likely fare more poorly in New Hampshire, which leans towards economic conservatives, and where Independents and Democrats can vote in the GOP primary. And the Republican establishment would rally around the New Hampshire winner. But voters might not oblige. Romney, the early favorite both in New Hampshire and among GOP moneybags, has Hillary Clinton’s problem. In 2008, the thing grassroots Democrats most wanted from their presidential nominee was a thundering denunciation of the Iraq War. Hillary, because she voted to authorize force, couldn’t offer one.

For Republicans in 2012, the equivalent may be Obamacare, and Romney—because of his Massachusetts health care plan—may find himself in exactly Hillary’s position. It doesn’t help that he had a reputation as a flip-flopper even before the health care debate and that he’s a Mormon in a party where anti-Mormon sentiment runs second only to anti-Muslim sentiment. That’s especially problematic in South Carolina, where the candidates will head after New Hampshire, and where the evangelical vote is huge.

The further Palin gets from the legitimizing event of being nominated for vice president, the more she’ll seem like just another tabloid wacko.

Article - Beinart GOP 2012 Woes

Perhaps someone else—maybe Tim Pawlenty, maybe Jon Huntsman—could supplant Romney as the anti-Palin candidate. Neither man has Romney’s weaknesses among grassroots conservatives, but then, neither man has much profile among grassroots conservatives at all. Historically, dull-but-safe establishment candidates outlast their populist foes financially. Whether it was Jerry Brown in 1992, John McCain in 2000 or Howard Dean in 2004, the money just ran out. But Palin would receive epic free media, and given her enormous social-media following, there’s no reason she couldn’t raise real money from small donations.

Maybe I’m giving Palin too much credit, and the GOP not enough. Candidate Palin might perform so hideously in debates and interviews (if she took part in any) that even her ideological soul mates would turn away. Certainly, prominent Republicans will scream that she’s unelectable. But it’s worth remembering that candidates rightly called unelectable have won nominations in the past. The GOP nominated Barry Goldwater in 1964; Democrats nominated George McGovern in 1972.

They did so at moments when traditional party elites were being disempowered by a cadre of ideologically zealous activists, as the Tea Party is doing in the Republican Party today. Goldwater and McGovern were far more substantive than Palin, to be sure. But they won because they inspired passion, because their opponents were weak, and because their party wasn’t in a tactical mood. Could that happen again in 2012? If I were Sarah Palin, I’d want to find out.

Peter Beinart, senior political writer for The Daily Beast, is associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York and a senior fellow at the New America Foundation. His new book, The Icarus Syndrome: A History of American Hubris, is now available from HarperCollins. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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May 31, 2011 | 2:03am
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Palin is NOT running for President. Fox News president Roger Ailes would have removed her from Fox, as he did all other GOP candidates for President.

Palin is just extending her 15 minutes of fame to increase her personal wealth - just as Donald Trump did.

2:28 am, May 31, 2011


I agree wholeheartedly. If she runs she'll be forced to talk to ALL the media, not just Fox, and that will 'out' her for just how uninformed and unworldly she is. She is not stupid, nor is she qualified to do anything more than what she's doing right now - filling the family coffers.

8:36 am, May 31, 2011


Saw her comments when she visited Washington monument this weekend when asked if she would run, said "still contemplating a run and if I do it will be a non-traditional campaign" translated she will not talk to regular media, not take part in any debates etc that would expose the absolute zero she is.
McCain on news show this weekend said if she decides to run could win, how long has he had dementia, certainly pre 2008..?

9:12 am, May 31, 2011


You mean that she hasn't been outed already?
George Will said that there are NO undecided Palin voters left.

2:14 pm, May 31, 2011

Master of Muppets

Kind of like Biden not allowing the press to a few fundraisers last week for the Obama re-election campaign. Can't let the human gaffe machine out in public.

Instead of making up stories about Palin, Beinhart, maybe you can report on real news like a sitting congressman posting pictures of his crotch to a young girl on twitter while claiming his account was "hacked". C'mon Beinhart, shouldn't Weinergate get the same attention as a fellow sitting congressman forced to resign for sending a shirtless picture of himself to a girl on craigslist????

Afterall Beinart, what is the difference between Rep. Anthony Weiner, (D) NY and Rep. Chris Lee, (R) NY????? oh, I see now Peter, Weiner is immune, he has that magic "(D)" after his name...... sorry, no story here.
I mean what is this difference between

2:32 pm, May 31, 2011


Mistressof muffins
That's a non-starter. He's already got the FBI investigating it.

6:06 pm, May 31, 2011

Master of Muppets

as usual, stevedon'tknow.

as of this CNN story at 5:30pm Weiner is getting a lawyer to see what actions he needs to take next and "She says despite the congressman's claim that his account hand been "hacked" neither the Capitol Police nor the FBI are currently investigating a hacking."

Wonder what he really needs the lawyer for?

sorry...... wrong again.

7:45 pm, May 31, 2011


If you'll notice, all the right-wing comments sound like they're being written by angry, petulant, children.

The level of right-wing education is very low and the emotional maturity of the right-wing is almost non-existent.

I'm suprised people like Master of Muppets, yourmama, and swarns
can manage to hunt and peck.

They are living proof, along with Chief Vampire Palin, that it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

11:24 pm, May 31, 2011


Master of Muppets (What does that even mean? Do you play with puppets?)
It's my understanding that he's retained the lawyer to proceed with legal action against the hacker(s). I'm certain that it's not for criminal defense, just as you're sure that it is.
I had heard that the FBI was getting involved because of his status as a Rep, but I don't know if that's still accurate.
The intended recipient of this picture never, in fact, received it, and she's stated that she never experienced any inappropriate messages from him.
Nor has this picture been identified as him.
Carry on.

12:18 am, Jun 1, 2011


You are correct. Sarah is not running for President.....YET. The reason she has bought a house in Arizona is to establish residency because she calculates that John McCain's Senate seat will be available in the not too distant future. (see old and ineffective) Someone she respects (yes there is one) has convinced her that she needs to broaden her resume before running for President. Arizona is just crazy enough to embrace her. Also Arizona borders a foreign country, much like Alaska, and she can possibly see it from her backyard so that she can keep an eye on them.... maybe even get involved in a blazing gun battle. Finally Arizona has declared a State gun (which you can display on your license plate.Sarah wet her pants over that one, feeling she could find a real home there.) Now all she has to do is figure out how to run snow mobiles in the desert and she will be in hog heaven.

Seriously people this woman is an anathema. On Memorial Day she took her family for a motorcycle "outing" through Washington DC with Rolling Thunder trying to literally steal their thunder. It was a travesty. These men take this seriously drawing attention to veterans of past wars and POWS....very solemn issues. Here is Palin sitting on the back of the motorcycle grinning and saying she "is used to snowmobiles and isn't this a great way to tour Washington DC?" like she was out joyriding on a holiday with her family....no gravitas or acknowledgment for the reason of the event. It just is so disgusting...she is all about herself and free media attention....the media acts like bone chasing,drooling puppies around her...also disgusting. The media loves her because she is unpredictable and much more fun to chase then the wrinkly, stuff shirted men. Speaking of both the media and Palin....is there a moral fiber in any of them?

10:12 am, May 31, 2011


You have missed the most important comment she did make at the first motorcycle stop. When she was asked what she liked about the ride etc - she replied - i love the smell of the bike exhaust - See, i knew it, she has been inhaling too must bike exhaust. Idea - could we tie her to a seat at back end of the Bus that why she would have a completed trip with her favorite small- Good Idea?

10:54 am, May 31, 2011


I am not a Sarah Fan and would not vote for her but people like you are the reason I would see the DNCC try to fund her. Oh that would never happen wait they did that all over the place during the last election cycle. Although i would not vote for her and do not like her she has just as much experience as your beloved leader did when he ran but I forget its a one way street with the press.

12:49 pm, May 31, 2011



You are right, I could see the DNC try and fund her. But don't act all surprised and outraged, Both sides do this. Who do you think was paying for Ralph Nader's campaign in 2000 and 2004.

7:14 am, Jun 1, 2011


Well AlanD2, not surprised to see you here -- pro global warming & anti-Palin. Figures.

10:22 am, May 31, 2011


That's "pro climate truth" and "anti-stupidity", Vet.

11:09 am, May 31, 2011


The smell of bike exhaust? Why Sarah, didn't you know it's the exact same exhaust that comes out of your limo? Why not jump in the trunk and drill some holes?

11:44 am, May 31, 2011


Who they hell is 'pro global warming'?!

12:46 pm, May 31, 2011


That's what deniers call everybody else, Blade.

1:34 pm, May 31, 2011


you say you wouldn't vote for Palin! It sure sounds like she would get your sympathy vote..

2:16 pm, May 31, 2011


Are we to understand that you favor Palin?
I guess that to you, she appears intelligent.
That might explain your otherwise meaningless post.

2:18 pm, May 31, 2011


Florida, pay attention to the melting glaciers, increased flooding, droughts in Australia (5 years so far), increased hurricanes and tornados, and many other signs of climate change. Get your head out of the sand and pay attention to what is going on in the world.

AlanD2 is a smart person, and if he is pro-global warming and anti-Palin, he is probably right.

6:44 pm, May 31, 2011


The left wing wants her to run, if they spent 1% of the time investigating Obama that they spend trying to just tear this woman down we would probably find out some intersting stuff. I am a conservative and I do not want to see her run, the Liberals want her to run so they can tear her down and the author or this is one of the most liberal guys on this site. He does not even try to hide it most of the time

12:36 pm, May 31, 2011


I am a flaming liberal and I do not want Palin to run. I want her to just go away. She lowers the bar on the character and intelligence of the United States. She continues to be an embarassment.

The more appropriate title for this article should read:
"Palin Grabs Her M-O-N-E-Y" rather than "Palin Grabs Her Moment"

12:55 pm, May 31, 2011


How on earth you confused Palin With Obama is beyond me.

2:12 pm, May 31, 2011


Apparently, you've already found out some interesting stuff. What is it? Or is it up to us to find it for you?

Fyi, we want her to run because she'll be easy to beat.
Because she has no more business being President than you do.

2:22 pm, May 31, 2011


Good one! A brilliant variation on the beloved favorite: "I know you are but what am I?"
How do you do it? Always fresh. Always original.
Never intelligent.

4:44 pm, May 31, 2011


As usual you got nothin'
What is the unemployment rate?
What happened to the two housing bills Obama passed claiming it would afford first time home buyers an affordable home and others would be able to keep theirs?
Where are all the saved or created jobs?
Now if you want to go there, bring it on.

5:40 pm, May 31, 2011


I guess that a lot of the jobs are in the auto industry, which he saved. And with it, the entire MIdwest.
And Wall St seems to be back, too.
It seems that the banks aren't lending to homebuyers, though. See, when the economy crashed, so did a lot of peoples credit ratings.
But to blame Obama for not fixing fast enough, the mess that Bush's policies created, really doesn't cut it.
Btw, nothing, is what you've got.
As usual, and as always.

6:15 pm, May 31, 2011


So funny, majortom30. You think a liberal should be ashamed to be one and should try to 'hide it'???? So funny.

6:46 pm, May 31, 2011


They were forgiven4 billion dollars of their debt. The Chevy volt is going nowhere except to the government,So try again.Oh,and if they are so prosperous, they should pay back all the shareholders they ripped off.

7:00 pm, May 31, 2011


And blaming Bush for Obama's failures is what you libs do best.
Obama-one and done.Next.

7:01 pm, May 31, 2011


the left/right, every other sector spent more than the usual time investigating President Obama during his campaign for POTUS. Now it's time for Palin to have her background investigated. That's the way we do it here in America. Isn't that the fair way to do it?.

12:02 am, Jun 1, 2011


That comment of yours was low, much lower than your usual. like a low bellied snake, just testing the ground.

12:08 am, Jun 1, 2011


No. Not his failures. Not failures at all.
Successes. And partial successes. And successes in progress.

But definitely not accepting blame for Bush's failures.
That's who crashed the economy.
Bad. Real bad.
Did you want to see Detroit crash completely, too?
And lose our auto industry?
For good?
Is that what's best for the economy?
And the nation?
Is it?
And btw, what liberals do best is cleaning up conservatives' mistakes.
A full time job.

12:34 am, Jun 1, 2011



Sorry 'mama, you cant have it both ways. You can't blame Obama and NOT blame Bush. ALL (not some, not many..ALL) of Obama failures happened BEFORE he took office. Follow the timeline, the economic crash finally happened in August 2008 (and had been building up way before then)...Bush was president not Obama.

If you want to try and pretend to be objective you could accuse Obama of failing to FIX the mess Bush caused, but to put on the blinders and pretend that Bush was not responsible and everything was Obama's fault.

You'd have to be a real idiot to believe that.

And your "I know you are but what am I" reply to anIndividual comment was simply pathetic and shows how enslaved you are to your hatred of Obama.

7:28 am, Jun 1, 2011


Do not even go there. Do not pick and choose a reply without reading the sarcastic comments i reply to. You will not be getting away with that silly passe tactic. Oh, and no one hates Obama, he is just inept, clueless and has no idea how to govern. now you can make excuses for him all you want, his record speaks for itself.

8:06 am, Jun 1, 2011


Oops, forgot. Speak to yourself about your hatred for Palin.Next.

8:08 am, Jun 1, 2011


I'd love to see her run and disrupt Republican chances of getting in place a candidate that intelligent people actually could bring themselves to vote for--for whatever obscure reason.

More to be feared, perhaps, is the endorsement of someone else. On her insatiable quest for riches, maybe she's just planning on horse-trading in some profitable way.

5:31 pm, May 31, 2011


Beinart said: "there's no reason she couldn't raise real money from small donations."

Really - NOT!! Shows how the writers of these articles are totally disconnected in that it's those 'small' donations that have padded SarahPAC and her illegal Alaska Fund and paid for word salad books and to attend a word salad speech.

These people are tapped out and have no more money to give unless they continue to starve their families as they have in the past. Some cult followers donated and then could only afford to buy rice to feed their kids. These people are sick in that they don't see they are only donating to the "Palin Family Slush Fund" - has nothing to do with 'real work'.

6:52 pm, May 31, 2011


George I, Bill, George II and Barack have all lead us to today. The era of fear continues and our children are going to grow up with government workers shoving their hands between their legs because this is the America you want and did not grow up in yourself!
Or is this the kind of national defense that you wish you would have grown up in?
Too many people or more brain washed by the media than care to admit out of fear! Speak sound bites and wear a leash is the new motto that Dem and Pub supporters live by today.

I am out of patients and will strive to have words hit like a ton bricks and let the chips fall where they may!

Replace the powers with citizens that can be immediately removed by citizens and never serve for a life time. We must take control ourselves. Please join with us at Goooh.com you might be able to click on my name. This will take you to my link page that links to Goooh.com, NumbersUSA.com and SBA-list.org.

P.S. Have you heard of "you cut" @ http://majorityleader.gov/YouCut/

12:01 am, Jun 1, 2011



I disagree, I think she will run, but not in earnest. She will announce shes in to buck up the Teaparty herd. She'll run a few months doing nothing but make derogatory comments about Obama in order to increase her book sales and then by the primaries, (where she runs the risk of public humiliation like what happened to Trump) she'll drop out and her IDIOT supporters will be stunned.

All the while the GOP will be gritting its teeth.

7:06 am, Jun 1, 2011


A Vietnam Veteran's Letter To Sarah Palin - author unknown

For some time now, you have been an amusing, albeit mostly incoherent annoyance. But today you crossed a line. With that high cut helmet, carefully designed to allow your professionally coiffed hair to flow freely, you have tried to hijack a moment that you can't even begin to understand. You decided that an event that has for years been intended to call attention to our POW/MIAs would make a really cool photo-op, as well as a great kick-off for your next get-rich-quick scheme.

Well, Sarah, you picked my war this time. I had several buddies, two of whom died within a couple of meters of me, and you zoomed right past their names on The Wall today; winking and smiling all the way. You weren't invited, you weren't welcome, but when has that ever stopped you?

Did you make a few extra bucks for your PAC? If so, I hope that helps you sleep tonight. Because you see, Sarah, my buddies have been sleeping for 40 years; and if they knew that a two-bit grifter like you would one day be making money off of their sacrifice, they might not be resting as easily as I hope they are tonight.

I'm a Christian, Sarah, and I don't say this lightly ... God damn you, Sarah Palin.

2:36 am, May 31, 2011


Excellent, needed to be said.

6:32 am, May 31, 2011

Mr Bloss

That's an impressive post, Checkerboard. Thank you.

6:42 am, May 31, 2011


Checkerboard: Thank you, great post.

6:42 am, May 31, 2011


Here Here and well spoken!! I wish someone had asked her how many times she has donated money to any of the Wounded Warrior type causes. My bet is never! She is a GRIFTER of the worst kind. reminds me of a scene fron Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The Sheriff has the townspeople gathered together trying to recruit a posse. as he is speaking a bicycle salesman steps up and starts hawking his wares.The Sheriff asks "what the hell do you think you're doing"? He replies," since you got the crowd here I thought I'd do a little selling". Go Sarah you hypocrite!

7:22 am, May 31, 2011


She actually brought a plate of cookies to a Native village in Alaska where people were starving and she, as Governor, had ignored all please for state assistance. She dragged that snake oil salesman, Franklin Graham, along with her and it was nothing but a condescending photo op. She is the lowest of the low, with no integrity, no honor. She makes me physically ill.

Anishinabe in MI

10:17 am, May 31, 2011


Yeah, the hustler's creed: If you got a crowd, it's a crime not to work it.

2:26 pm, May 31, 2011


I recall in her RNC speech she stated that parents of special needs kids would have an advocate in the White House.

To date, she has donated the whopping sum of $1,000 to Downs Syndrome -- and that was paid from SarahPAC. Whoopee. There has never been a personal donation.

What she was clearly saying is 'I only use the kid as a prop but you can buy my support with your vote'

7:21 pm, May 31, 2011


Very well said & may your friends & all who have lost their lives for this great country rest in peace.

7:23 am, May 31, 2011


I applaud your post, Checkerboard.

7:44 am, May 31, 2011


Thank you, sir, for so eloquently pointing out that Palin was only at Rolling Thunder for the photo op. She didn't say one word about the people whose names are engraved on The Wall, their memory, or the sacrifice that their families have made for our country. I can't even walk down the sidewalk in front of The Wall without dissolving into tears -- I don't know how Palin could have been so unemotional and disrespectful, especially in the presence of the men who were there in tribute to their fallen comrades.

The only thing I saw all weekend that was more disgusting than Sarah Palin was the Westboro Baptist Church pigs who were picketing Arlington Cemetery.

7:46 am, May 31, 2011


Funny thing is, they got a free pass from the DC Cops while a couple of kids silently grooving in the Jefferson Memorial got pepper sprayed and a taste of some voltage. Nothing says partisanship like unequal enforcement of the law, does it.

11:43 am, May 31, 2011


"I don't know how Palin could have been so unemotional and disrespectful"

This is the same Sarah Palin who behaved the same way during the VP debate.

Joe Biden got choked up speaking about his son serving in the Marines. Instead of taking that oppty to pause and acknowledge the shared commitment of their sons (with Track in the army), she blew right past it as if he hadn't even spoken, much less gotten emotional.

That was the moment I realized her "all show, no substance" routine had a dark and manipulative streak to it.

1:02 pm, May 31, 2011


Very moving post. Sarah is a totally self-involved person and used Rolling Thunder to promote herself and her agenda.

8:32 am, May 31, 2011


How right you are Bless you and your buddies. Likes of Sarah / Trump are worst kind of phonies, using whomever they can to make millions .
Mitt has flipped so many times I lost track . Bachman is a Tea party darling .
Chrisite can not even control whats goes into his mouth.
Perry is hated by many in TX as a do nothing Gov. .

8:41 am, May 31, 2011


Fantastic post! Thank you for it and for your service to our country.

8:43 am, May 31, 2011


You have my respect and admiration for a profound and heartfelt letter - beautifully stated. I am in complete agreement. Yet one more of the many reasons Sarah Palin is not qualified to be President. Total lack of judgment.

8:56 am, May 31, 2011


Thank you for your excellent post and for your service. This was nothing more than another self-promoting publicity stunt that unfortunately the media bought into. To use such a powerful tribute for narcisstic personal gain really shows the lack of character or any other redeeming quality. And although Peter may not be aware of it-she already is a tabloid wacko. Thank you again and God Bless

9:20 am, May 31, 2011


Thank you for your courage, then and now. Right on, the egocentric narcissistic twit has no right to exploit like she did. I wish people were less polite and told her to 'bug out" and have some respect for those things she knows nothing about. I'm all for civility but as you stated it was exploitation and sometimes the message has to be blunt.

9:29 am, May 31, 2011


Good one Checkerboard. She is indeed a grifter and, apparently, a grifter without much of a conscience. However, there and again, how many grifters do have a surfeit of conscience?

9:39 am, May 31, 2011


A well executed verbal fragging.

10:07 am, May 31, 2011


Awesome, CheckerboardStrangler. Thank you for YOUR service and sacrifice.

Anishinabe in MI

10:13 am, May 31, 2011


The author of that comment is known. He is a Progressive Alaskan named Phil Munger. Here is the link to his post.

http://progressivealaska.blogspot.com/2011/05/saradise-lost-book-5-chapt er-69-palin.html

10:21 am, May 31, 2011


Remind readers to remove spaces when they copy and paste your long link, Dusty.

11:12 am, May 31, 2011

Another Nam Vet

Glad to see I was not the only veteran offended by this pompous hack trying hard to impersonate a patriot at The Wall. Thank you for voicing our indignation. By the way I'm also a Christian and I certainly second your motion. Peace Brother.

10:25 am, May 31, 2011

Catherine Prince Castillo

Checkerboard-theres nothing much for me to say other than thank you for putting it so eloquently....

It really is time for this grifter moron to get back to Alaska and stay there although I would love to see the train wreck qualities of her presidential

10:39 am, May 31, 2011


Excellent comment by CheckerboardStrangler.

10:57 am, May 31, 2011


I remind everyone that the letter is titled "author unknown" but now thanks to Dusty17 that is no longer the case. I reposted it because it moved me to tears and it put a pinpoint on exactly what it is about Sarah Palin that made me nauseous from the very first time my wife and I both saw her.
I never could put my finger on it until I read Phil's heartfelt letter, but there it was in the sunshine.

Phil Munger is the hero who deserves the credit, NOT ME.

11:41 am, May 31, 2011


You are wrong on several points - Sarah was INVITED to the event, and she DID NOT GIVE A SPEECH. Her presence brought this event to the forefront of the public - hardly no one had ever heard of it until this year. If you want the public to appreciate the efforts of our vets, be glad for the additional publicity. What makes you think she "made money" off her appearance? She has donated more funds to worthy causes than you ever have. What a bitter human being you have become. Your "christianity" is along the lines of the Westboro Baptist Church people.

11:09 am, May 31, 2011


I know I sleep better tonight knowing that veteran's such as yourself are out there. Thank you CheckerboardStrangler, aka, author unknown.

11:27 am, May 31, 2011


Checkerboard, I hope you send this message to ALL media outlets everywhere and that your words are spread far and wide. I used to live in the DC area and remember how humbled and respectful I felt when Rolling Thunder came through town. Although I did not - and do not - support war, I deeply respect the soldiers who risk and too often give their lives. By attempting to cash in on this solemn annual event, this extremely crass, shameful woman has shown once again that she has no class and no shame.

11:51 am, May 31, 2011


Again reminding everyone that the real author of this post is PHIL MUNGER.
The original can be found at
http://progressivealaska.blogspot.com/2011/05/saradise-lost-book-5-chapt er-69-palin.html

12:13 pm, May 31, 2011


Until I read Dusty17's response I didn't know who wrote it but please do not give me the credit.

12:14 pm, May 31, 2011


Was there ever any doubt?

2:31 pm, May 31, 2011


Right on Checkerboard! My brother who is buried at Fort Smith Arkansas, after spending 20 years in the Navy would have said the same things you did. She gripes me to the marrow of my bones. However, she is attractive and the media courts her for that and ALSO to see what stupid thing she may say.

12:28 pm, May 31, 2011


wildfwyo~ my Dad is buried in the National Cemetery in Fort Smith......small world

1:28 pm, May 31, 2011


Thanks, CS, for this post and thanks to the author and all people who SERVE their country rather than their own self-interests!

12:59 pm, May 31, 2011


You said it all, and very well said.
I'm an atheist, and I don't say this lightly...God bless you, Checkerboard/

1:24 pm, May 31, 2011


I am so sorry for your loss.On memorial day I usually spend the day thinking about my dad,my uncles & all of my friend dad's who fought in World war II.My father returned a broken man from his war experiences.He spent the last 35yrs of his life in mental health facilities,so I grew up with a dad who didn't recognize his children when he was stable enough for us to see him.Yet,he was very proud of his service in the war.He never talked about what he saw (he was on a mine sweeper and saw many,many of his men die) but he loved and admired the men he served with.If palin cared about Vets. she would do something to support the thousands of Vets. who return after serving their country & can't even get a house loan or help to go to school to get a job.I'm a therapist specializing in PTSD and what I witness in these returning men & women is heartbreaking.palin is a cold heart-ed killer.She kills people's souls.I'm an Alaskan & the real story of palin will never come out.Her war machine is too well oiled.As a christian,please pray that a higher power will protect our country & never never let palin get any closer to the oval office than on a public tour.

2:48 pm, May 31, 2011


Checkerboard, if only you could confront this stupid, fraudulent bimbo in a public forum.

2:50 pm, May 31, 2011


If a New Jersey tenth grader is getting death threats for trying to confront Michelle Bachmann in a public debate, imagine what I would get trying to confront Sister Sarah. Not that it would stop me, but my point is, if the tenth grader can't bet Bachmann to debate her, I seriously doubt her Alaskan clone would grant my wish.

Best thing we all can do is to help make this and other worthy posts go viral to the point where they attain immortality and become attached to her name.
If we can accomplish that, we will get to enjoy what obviously become a nasty flameout.

4:32 pm, May 31, 2011


Well, we won't have to worry about Beck, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh reading that letter on their shows.
What a strong and truthful statement he made. You won't have to worry about the rev, yomamma, dale, and their ilk rebutting it either. I know they've fallen off the wagon on the right hand side, but even they won't have the guts to refute this man's letter.

5:31 pm, May 31, 2011


A. B. O.
Anyone But Obama.

NObama in 2012

2:59 am, May 31, 2011


Too bad Republicans aren't going to have a candidate in 2012, Rhett.

It's hard to elect nobody, isn't it?

3:25 am, May 31, 2011

Mr Bloss


I think you're wrong; the GOP has several nobodies up for election.

6:43 am, May 31, 2011


.....And they're tremendous nobodys at that......

9:13 am, May 31, 2011

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9:34 am, May 31, 2011


swarns, no matter how much you hate it, Obama is going to be remembered as one of America's great Presidents. Condolences...

11:08 am, May 31, 2011


Romney has started his foot-in-mouth babbling already.

2:33 pm, May 31, 2011


Haven't you been reading these posts about your beloved Sarah in DC? Who could possibly be worse or less suitable than her?

2:35 pm, May 31, 2011


Anyone? How about SOMEONE.

6:33 am, May 31, 2011


rhett: You and the GOP are going to have to do more that continue to use that tired worn out, ineffective slogan. It should be obvious to you and others that the GOP has some very significant problems when even they don't want SP as the candidate, but they have little else to chose from.

6:47 am, May 31, 2011

Tony Hines

worn out and ineffective:
It's not my fault.
George W did it
It happened before I got here.
I would be great but W broke it
Did I mention that when the toilet splashes up on your butt it is W's fault?

12:23 pm, May 31, 2011


How do you manage to miss the obvious?
Bush crashed the economy. The worst since the 30s. With Repub policies and deregulation.
Why would you possibly believe that continuing that on failed course could bring anything but more failure?
Why would you do the same thing and expect different results, knowing, as you must, that that pretty much defines insanity?

12:42 am, Jun 1, 2011


Rhett would rather have a moron in the White House than anyone with a D next to their name. Maybe he should explore the animal kingdom or the world of cartoons.

7:45 am, May 31, 2011


Probably wishes we could have had a third W. term. Sigh...

9:34 am, May 31, 2011

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9:35 am, May 31, 2011


There are many areas in which you can legitimately criticize the President, but intelligence certainly isn't one of them.

Obama is an intelligent man. Stupid people do not get elected president, our endless political campaigns tend to weed them out.
BTW, I never thought of W.Bush as stupid- just intellectually un- curious.

9:50 am, May 31, 2011


swarns, I would think you would be happy with a "moron" in the White House. Seems like he would be an inspiration for guys like you. One of your own making good.

10:32 am, May 31, 2011


Don't you ever get tired of trolling here, swarns?

11:13 am, May 31, 2011


I love it when someone who cannot properly write in English calls the President a moron. Thanks, swarns.

11:26 am, May 31, 2011


You're so stupid that....you think that just calling someone stupid is enough. Just because you say so.
You have to give an example. You have to prove it. Didn't you know that? My high school English teacher kept repeating that. Didn't yours? Or didn't you make it that far?

2:42 pm, May 31, 2011



You know Rhett, the Dems tried that very same slogan against Bush in 2004 at a time where Bush was more unpopular than Obama. It didn't work.

So if it didnt work then for the Democrats, what makes you think it will work for the GOP against Obama whose record is far better than Bush's?

8:31 am, May 31, 2011


What makes you think that he thinks? Haven't you read his posts?

2:43 pm, May 31, 2011


Rhett, you are an idiot. But you probably know that. You're like Palin - any attention is better than no attention at all.

9:01 am, May 31, 2011


Attention is what trolls like Rhett and swarns live for, CG. :-)

11:15 am, May 31, 2011


yeah, you are right, Rhet---let's get another Republican in there, like Bush who:

Caused the largest recession since the great Depression
cut stock market in half (from $14,000 to $6600)
created the least amount of jobs of any Pres in history, Lost the most
Took a surplus, and turned it into largest deficit in history
Largest spending of any President in history
Put trillions on a Chinese Credit card and killed 4300 US boys for a LIE
Made us a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.
He installed TARP & AIG bailouts
He was on TV begging for amnesty for illegals for cheap labor for his corporate buddies. Pulled 2500 Nat.Guard off Mexican border for invasion to Iraq.

You know---when you never opened your mouth for EIGHT long years of destruction !

10:18 am, May 31, 2011


Injecting facts into this discussion, Pam? How rude. Rhett is going to be very upset with you... :-)

11:16 am, May 31, 2011

Tony Hines

You know. Other than the TARP thing every single line fo that post is bullshit. The one true line about TARP was redone by Obama as soon as he took office so I just don't see the point.

12:26 pm, May 31, 2011


excellent post Pam.....but I have to agree with Alan, FACTS will only confuse people (exhibit A, see above post)

1:30 pm, May 31, 2011


Tony, why bother to lie? You can spin all you want, but you can't change the facts on the ground.

1:32 pm, May 31, 2011


No matter how hard you try with that nonsense, we see who the inept one is that brought about the greatest economic crisis since the great depression, and your pathetic deflection will be Obama's downfall in 2012. Now you can go on and on about the illegal immigration begging fiasco. Just remember who it was that forced him on that issue.

2:23 pm, May 31, 2011


Bullshit? Like what. The stock market?
Don't even.

2:46 pm, May 31, 2011


you should go along with Palin for the ride. Be careful though, or you'll be part of the wreck..

2:36 pm, May 31, 2011


OK. Here's the Republican line-up: Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Doc, definitely Dopey... can't remember the others' dwarf names, but Palin (Nutty?) and Bachmann (Crazy?) will suffice.

4:33 pm, Jun 4, 2011


I don't think she is running either, I think she is either selling books or selling something. I am guessing that if she hated being governor, she would really hate being president, and possibly would quit. That would be a disaster for the country if not for the currency. Of course her face would make stamps and dollar bills a lot nicer to look at. She would be the best looking president to adorn a dollar bill and stamps, that should win votes.

3:11 am, May 31, 2011


If you ever tried looking at a shelf in a library with a big fat redneck pushing you out of the way, and then blaming you for sneaking up on him, you can see how a redneck would start closing libraries and banning books, possibly cause someone might ask "what books Do YOU read. If they can't share a little bit of space, then they definitely won't be able share a lot of space, and that would be just the beginning. Once President Palin has her own library, what do you think would be in it? Profile of courage?

3:22 am, May 31, 2011

Kort Drike

Please don't encourage her. If she actually won the nomination (which is possible), I wouldn't be able to bear it. She would become the first woman in history to be nominated for President from a major party. Do we really want that honor going to SARAH PALIN??

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be telling my future daughters that the first woman we ever nominated for President was Sarah Palin.

3:27 am, May 31, 2011


If she won the nomination and then the Presidency, a lot of people would migrate to Canada. Trust me.

7:15 am, May 31, 2011

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9:37 am, May 31, 2011


Canada under a conservative looks like America under Bill Clinton.

9:51 am, May 31, 2011


swarns, the 45,000 uninsured Americans who die each year of treatable medical conditions would be much better off in Canada.

As for you, I feel you'd be much happier in a place like Iran or North Korea. No liberals there, that's for sure...

11:18 am, May 31, 2011


Great point. Hilary Clinton was not my choice for Dem nominee, but she is smart, intelligent and would've made a good first female candidate. You are right. It will be a very sad day in this country should the Repubs nominate Sarah. The Repubs do have intelligent women (Snowe, Collins) amongst them...they just aren't photogenic with good legs! Such a sad state of affairs.

8:39 am, May 31, 2011


That shows you where the repub's thoughts really are.

8:54 am, May 31, 2011


It's been a sad day for a long time what with the love affair for this snakeoil saleswoman.

9:36 am, May 31, 2011


Republicans are so worried about party purity that they are rejecting anyone who doesn't pass the purity test or - in other words - people who time to time walk out of lockstep with everyone else in the party. Snowe and Collins just don't pass muster...Palin, on the other hand, loves to walk in lockstep. Makes me wonder about her conscience, frankly.

10:08 am, May 31, 2011


Yes, Snowe and Collins are intelligent. But they're not aggressive.
Let's face it. Palin is aggressive. That is, ultimately, why we're talking about her.

12:50 am, Jun 1, 2011

Tony Hines

after the debacle of fist black president going to Obama I think the markers are meaningless.

12:27 pm, May 31, 2011


Debacle? Because your candidate lost? Got beat? Bad?
The debacle was the McCain/Palin campaign.
Maybe you need to take a second look.

12:54 am, Jun 1, 2011


From Mr. Beinart's computer to G-d's ears. What a beautiful gift it would be to the Democrats, to America, and to the world if this uninformed, incurious, ignorant, narcissistic quitter of well below-average intelligence would be the Republican nominee. We're talking Goldwater II and maybe even the return of the House. Run, Sarah, Run! PLEASE!!!

3:35 am, May 31, 2011


The GOP are gonna end up like the liberal party in Canada.Decimated in their ranks and marginalized to the point of obscurity.

6:08 am, May 31, 2011

Catherine Prince Castillo

....and they did it to themselves by pandering to the christian right/teatards/general loonies so good riddance....

10:41 am, May 31, 2011


I agree, Catherine, but we do need a viable second party in this country. Where are all the Rockefeller Republicans hiding these days?

11:19 am, May 31, 2011


Well one thing is for sure, the Republican candidate will be white so they try and reclaim the "White House."

7:14 am, May 31, 2011


ignorant, grifting, uninformed, narcissistic trailer trash

7:57 am, May 31, 2011

Tony Hines

Trailer trash? She could buy and sell you five times what doesn that make you?

12:29 pm, May 31, 2011


The mere possession of wealth does not give one dignity.
Case in point: Donald Trump.
Poor manners and gauche behavior is seen in plenty of wealthy people.

Money does not automatically make anyone a better person.

12:52 pm, May 31, 2011


So you're impressed by money, Tony? I'll treat you to a couple of lines from a song I wrote ten years ago:

Just 'cuz you got money, don't mean you got class
Just 'cuz you got no money, don't mean that you're white trash
To me all that money of yours just don't mean a thing
Like your $5000 Rolex watch and your ten-carat diamond ring

1:43 pm, May 31, 2011


'trailer trash' doesn't speak to one's bank account.palin's net worth was over a million dollars when she ran for VP, yet she promoted herself as a working class,'hockey mom' so she could play to the white working class people.Palin has trashy values.She lies.She blames others for her mistakes.She's sarcastic & mean.She will step over anyone and use anyone to get what she wants and then cut them dead.She holds grudges & never forgets a perceived slight.She's teaching her children by example that these kinds of behaviors are all right.She likes to start fights & enjoys sitting back & watching.And she does all these things in the name of the Lord.That's why she's trashy.

2:30 pm, May 31, 2011


plenty of trashy people have money

2:47 pm, May 31, 2011


Tony, you illustrate perfectly why the conservative side of the political sphere today is intellectually bankrupt. Trailer trash doesn't mean the person is poor. It means the person lacks breeding, refinement and class. Just because someone has a large bank account doesn't mean they deserve anyone's esteem.
I am not accusing you of being trailer trash as I have no idea who you are and how you comport yourself (except for here in the comment section). If you spoke in poorly constructed sentences, were unable to recognize you were not educated enough (formally or not) to realize you were not qualified for the job, and/or crude enough to accuse your political opponent of illegal things, then that would be enough for me to consider you trailer trash....no matter where the decimal points are in your bank balance.

3:27 pm, May 31, 2011


Douche bag? In a political discussion? After awhile girls become aware that you use these posts primarily to attack women. They're an outlet for your frustrated sexual needs and hostility toward women, and because you pretend you're talking about politics, you think we won't say anything or complain. I'll tell you nicely, once, don't tell me whom I'm allowed to like. In fact, if you're smart, you won't try to tell me anything at all ever again.

8:44 pm, May 31, 2011


It appears that you've flagged, not only my post, but your own as well. But not the offending one in question.
I meant to write yourdouchebag, as a play on yourmama, but inadvertantly, I dropped the 'r'.
Thus rendering your smug psychobabble re my state of mind, irrelevant, not to mention inaccurate. Because I have no problem calling men douchebags as well. And, I never use this site to attack women, except as conservatives, or morons, or both. As is the case with yourmama.
As for you, I wasn't telling you whom to like, I was tellling you that you're as crazy as she is, if you're defending her inanities. As you're beginning to appear to be.
And if you continue to post here, you're fair game, too.
And, as you can see, I have no fear at all of telling you anything, your silly veiled threat notwithstanding.
So bring your A game.
If you have one.

3:24 am, Jun 1, 2011


You really shouldn't talk about your family like that.It is unbecoming.

2:27 pm, May 31, 2011


That's the same as you did before. "I know you are but what am I?"
I'd say that you're out of your depth here, but you have no depth.
At all.
You're 2D.
And please, spare me your pathetic response.

6:24 pm, May 31, 2011


And you actually think I care about your pitiful little rants you only know how to post? Thanks so much steve, you are such a gem for a laugh.Keep it up, i do so enjoy your attempt at trying to be relevant.

9:10 pm, May 31, 2011


Yes. I do think you care. Otherwise you wouldn't respond. That's what people who don't care do. Or don't.

3:01 am, Jun 1, 2011


You are nothing but a foul mouth little child trying to be relevant.You are just someone that thinks you make a contribution,trust me, you don't.

8:15 am, Jun 1, 2011


Trust you?
Get serious.
You pathetic joke.

2:38 pm, Jun 1, 2011


Most of the so called 'trailer trash' I've met in my 56 years had more class than Palin ever will. They may not be sophisticated or worldly, but they try to do the best they can with what they have. You give 'trailer trash' a bad name when you call Palin one of them.

10:17 pm, May 31, 2011


What candidate ran on two tickets simultaneously thus guaranteeing himself a job then resigned his lesser office leaving his constituents unrepresented?

Joe Biden, 2009

What candidate resigned his office after only serving part of one term leaving his constituents unrepresented?

Barack Obama 2008

8:18 am, May 31, 2011


Resigning because you were elected to a higher office is part of democracy. In a few states you can't run simultaneously for two offices, but in most you can. Resigning so you can go on a reality show....that's just pathetic.

8:47 am, May 31, 2011


Those are the exact words I was going to use. Since both me went on to win their elected offices, it seems a mute point anyway. What would motivate a person to bring that up?

12:28 am, Jun 1, 2011


You make me laugh, Viator. You act like that's some sort of big news, or if that's unprecedented in American politics.

8:49 am, May 31, 2011


And ...

8:52 am, May 31, 2011


It's called a promotion.

9:36 am, May 31, 2011


What candidate graduated Magna Cum Laude, from Harvard?

Barack Obama

What candidate struggled thru 5-6 years of several lowly journalist schools, and nobody ever really saw her records?

Sarah Palin

10:21 am, May 31, 2011

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12:07 pm, May 31, 2011


The dumb ass assumption the President is 'hiding something' because he has not published his college transcripts is fringe worthy.

No US president has ever published his transcripts. Not one.
Why should Obama? Oh, because you want to grab some meaningless information to prove the notion the President is not that smart?
Harvard and Columbia U. say he is smart enough to graduate with honors from their schools.
You guys never get enough of rehashing your asinine theories.

12:57 pm, May 31, 2011


it's pretty racist to assume that Obamma only got into Harvard because of Affirmative action (he's black),& that once he got in he did poorly academically.This assumption,being stated by some as fact,is based on what exactly? How did bush jr.get into Yale or grad.school at all with C's from undergrad?Which he has bragged about.I wonder if it has anything to do with his father & grandfather,being alumni,& the Bush family endowments to the school? Along with birth certificates,health records,academic transcripts and lie detector tests what else would you like to add to what people want Obamma to produce. How about a signed affidavit saying he is not now, nor has he ever been a member of the communist party?All of the candidates in 2008 produced health records but Palin.That doesn't seem to pique anyone's interest in the GOP.

3:18 pm, May 31, 2011


They have to rehash their theories. Did you think that they could come up with something new?
But the real question is why they think that he would jump, just because they tell him to. And why his failure to do, so proves anything at all.

4:50 pm, May 31, 2011


I guess that the birth certificate debacle didn't prove how stupid you really are.
It did, as far as we're concerned.
Not that there was really any doubt.

4:53 pm, May 31, 2011


why don't you take a trip and visit Harvard(if they will let you on campus)get a feel for what the President faced in an all white institution. write and tell us if you think it was easy...

12:35 am, Jun 1, 2011


What candidate just plain quit?

Sarah Palin 2009

11:12 am, May 31, 2011


I thought you buzzards got your fill of releasing Obama's records during the birther fiasco? Sounds like a glutton for punishment..

12:41 am, Jun 1, 2011


Good point.
On moron.com

6:25 pm, May 31, 2011


Palin should run because she is unelectable and we can continue the good work being done by this administration. We cleaned up Dubya's Osama mess and we'll handle nicely the shambles he made of this country during his 8 year comedy show. Obama is the most badass president we've had since Reagan (and we needed Reagan at the time).

8:39 am, May 31, 2011


Please Sarah, run! Your massive defeat in a general election will once and for all (OK, maybe just for a while) show that social conservatives are far too narrow a minority to actually lead this country.

8:41 am, May 31, 2011

Catherine Prince Castillo

I agree-if they dumped all the social conservative crap and got back to being the Republican party it would help them but the problem is that they listen to the squawking vocal minority of the christian loonies/tea tards ....

10:45 am, May 31, 2011


Without them, they have no chance at a majority.
And they know it.

4:54 pm, May 31, 2011


Catherine Prince Castillo-
The loonies /tea tards are running behind are running behind Fox news and Rush Limbaugh. They are the Holy Grail of the conservative republican party. FOX gives their candidates a platform and a safe place. They get softball questions and they get a retake on wrong answers..

1:04 am, Jun 1, 2011


She was old news three minutes after McCain lost due to her ignorance. Why anyone wastes their time on Palin indicates how desperate they are getting.

8:44 am, May 31, 2011


I am a Canadian and I can assure you that if Sarah Palin becomes President of the United States, your country will become the laughingstock of the world! She is clearly ill-equipped, but she is dangerous. If you believe that your economy is in some trouble now, wait until you see what would happen to foreign investments if she gets to power. There is so much hype about her being a "Good 'ole Christian Gal." Barf!! Yet your President is a perfect model for families, but he doesn't get credit for it because I believe his race blocks some viewers to his real strengths. He is brilliant and well liked throughout the world. Vote for Obama, please!!

8:46 am, May 31, 2011

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9:38 am, May 31, 2011


A conservative Canadian is called a moderate Democrat here in the States.
Canada has universal health care- something the Right wing fears even more than evolution!

9:46 am, May 31, 2011


blade87 is correct -- the U.S. is soooooooo far off the wall that a conservative elsewhere would be a pinko in the U.S. There are nuts in the U.S. that make Somalia look liberal !!! The end game to such radicalization is never good.

10:47 am, May 31, 2011


If she wins, your country will become my country...eh.

10:08 am, May 31, 2011


Well said, Mozart. You can tell by the attacks of swarns and WGA... :-)

11:22 am, May 31, 2011


Swarns just isn't even very good at it, bless his heart.

1:44 pm, May 31, 2011


Well, swarns is a pretty recent addition to the DB, Jericho. It takes time and practice to become a good troll, you know...

2:27 pm, May 31, 2011


Bless his heart.

2:56 pm, May 31, 2011


Ever notice that swarmoffliesonapileofshit never responds after he get slammed. I think that he came here thinking that we'd all back down in the face of his brilliance. When that didn't work, he went back to his current hit-and-run approach, choosing to pretend that he hasn't become a punching bag in the process.

5:02 pm, May 31, 2011


Do you seriously expect anything else from a troll, Steve?

8:10 pm, May 31, 2011


Well, just a little bit of ability at playing the game.
Is that too much to expect?(Rhetorical question)

12:59 am, Jun 1, 2011


No, not everyone around the world loves Obama.In fact the middle east is still flipping him the middle finger. Oh and mo, I've been to Canada several times,What you think doesn't matter to us.

2:31 pm, May 31, 2011


What you think doesn't matter to much of anybody, yourmama.

2:57 pm, May 31, 2011



What yourmama thinks matters to me.

3:30 pm, May 31, 2011


Back at ya fella.
Oh, and I notice you did not address the comment on Obama. Shows all you have is nothing.

4:16 pm, May 31, 2011


Umm, because Obama isn't the subject of this news story? Have fun playing in the gutter. I'm kinda tired of you.

4:57 pm, May 31, 2011


Speak for yourself. Many of US do care what the world thinks. Including conservatives. Including those who say that they're laughing at us because of Obama. The fact that that's a lie, doesn't change the fact that conservs care, too.

Then you're as crazy as she is. How long have you been reading her inane posts and childish retorts?

5:08 pm, May 31, 2011


Tell it to your liberal friends when they continuously bring Bush into the conversation on Obama's failures. Too funny.

5:45 pm, May 31, 2011


Spin it elsewhere. You cannot hide the fact Obama is a sad joke.

5:47 pm, May 31, 2011


Speaking of sad jokes, I just read your latest post.
Just because you call it a fact doesn't mean a thing.
So far, the number of converts you've made attests to that.

6:30 pm, May 31, 2011


And you have nothing as usual. Next.

9:12 pm, May 31, 2011


And does that lame effort count as something?

12:56 am, Jun 1, 2011


yomama is so ugly, she have to sneak up on a glass to get a drink of water.

1:19 am, Jun 1, 2011


Get out of mommies basement and get back to your kindergarten class, they're looking for you.And your deep comments are typical from you when you can't deny Obama's failures.

8:20 am, Jun 1, 2011


Take your Canadian opinion and your Obama love and stuff it. 14.5 trillion debt, 9% unemployment $5 gas, highest foreclosures ever, speaks louder than any left wing Canadian.

9:25 pm, May 31, 2011
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