Android Technical Information

Welcome to the Android technical documentation section of the site. Here you can find technical information useful to people and organizations who are looking to modify, contribute to, or port the Android software. This is "under the hood" information intended for engineers.

Dalvik Technical Information

The Dalvik Virtual Machine is the heart of Android. It's a fast, just-in-time compiled, optimized bytecode virtual machine. Android applications are compiled to Dalvik bytecode and run on the Dalvik VM. This section includes detailed information such as the Dalvik bytecode format specification, design information on the VM itself, and so on.

» Dalvik Information

Encryption Technical Information

The Android Open-Source Project includes the ability to encrypt the user's data. This document is written for 3rd parties developing Android devices who want to include support for encryption on their device. It covers the few things that must be done so encryption will work.

» Encryption Information