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About This Beta

Our Website Has Changed – Here’s Why

So what’s a beta anyway? If you’ve visited NOVA Online in the past, this site will look and feel very different. That’s because we’ve come up with some new ways to design, organize, and present our content to make it more useful for you.

Since 1996, NOVA – the most-watched prime-time science series on American television – has been working with journalists and scientists around the world to put great web-original content online. Today we have thousands of resources covering everything from string theory to the evolution of flight to how the Pyramids were built.

But it’s time for an overhaul so we can make it easier for you to find more of what you’re looking for. This is just a first step, with a small fraction of our entire site presented in this new way. It’s a chance for us to evolve, test new ideas, and get your feedback. Over time, our goal is to migrate all NOVA content into this new site, and to continue to improve on what we’ve done here.

But for now, take a look around and tell us what you think. What do you like? What don’t you like? Have you found a bug? Please send an e-mail to We're looking forward to hearing from you. And, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, search the NOVA Archive. Please note that we are supporting the following browsers:

Firefox 3.5
Firefox 3.0
Safari 3.2 (Mac Only)
Safari 4 (Mac Only)

If you are having problems playing our videos at an educational institution:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are required to begin every NOVA video with a funder pre-roll, and would not be able to support streaming video without them. However, we were unaware that, for technical reasons, this caused our program to be blacklisted at certain schools. The NOVA team is in discussions with PBS about how to address this issue on a larger scale, but for now, you might try having your school's IT department "whitelist," or approve, the following:,,, and Let us know how this solution works for you, and please continue to visit our site and provide this type of valuable feedback.