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6 Dec 2010 to 25 Feb 2011: 15,046 visits shown above
Statistics updated 25 Feb 2011@07:45GMT: 15,077 visits [?]
Total since 3 Dec 2007: 270,741. Previous 24hrs: 188.
Notes | Country totals =>
Current Country Totals
From 6 Dec 2010 to 25 Feb 2011

United States (US)10,289
United Kingdom (GB)716
Canada (CA)626
Australia (AU)315
Germany (DE)206
Japan (JP)157
Israel (IL)145
Brazil (BR)138
Philippines (PH)125
India (IN)123
Netherlands (NL)121
France (FR)121
Italy (IT)114
Taiwan (TW)91
Spain (ES)88
Finland (FI)82
Russian Federation (RU)70
Switzerland (CH)64
Sweden (SE)62
Singapore (SG)56
Belgium (BE)55
South Africa (ZA)54
Mexico (MX)54
Poland (PL)49
Korea, Republic of (KR)48
China (CN)47
New Zealand (NZ)43
Romania (RO)43
Turkey (TR)42
Hong Kong (HK)41
Ireland (IE)40
Austria (AT)39
Malaysia (MY)36
Czech Republic (CZ)33
United Arab Emirates (AE)31
Hungary (HU)29
Greece (GR)29
Indonesia (ID)28
Portugal (PT)23
Denmark (DK)23
Argentina (AR)21
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)20
Norway (NO)19
Nigeria (NG)18
Ukraine (UA)18
Chile (CL)17
Egypt (EG)16
Pakistan (PK)16
Croatia (HR)16
Bulgaria (BG)15
Saudi Arabia (SA)14
Serbia (RS)14
Thailand (TH)14
Colombia (CO)14
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)14
Jamaica (JM)13
Slovakia (SK)12
Kuwait (KW)12
Iceland (IS)11
Vietnam (VN)11
Puerto Rico (PR)11
Kenya (KE)10
Jordan (JO)9
Latvia (LV)8
Peru (PE)8
Venezuela (VE)7
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)7
Lithuania (LT)6
Cyprus (CY)6
Morocco (MA)6
Luxembourg (LU)5
Grenada (GD)5
Malta (MT)5
Sri Lanka (LK)5
Bangladesh (BD)5
Albania (AL)4
Slovenia (SI)4
Georgia (GE)4
Costa Rica (CR)4
Estonia (EE)4
Panama (PA)4
Senegal (SN)4
Barbados (BB)3
Guam (GU)3
Zambia (ZM)3
Oman (OM)3
Qatar (QA)3
Belarus (BY)3
Brunei Darussalam (BN)3
Ghana (GH)3
Maldives (MV)3
Uganda (UG)3
Honduras (HN)3
El Salvador (SV)3
Lebanon (LB)3
Palestinian Territory (PS)3
Cameroon (CM)3
Syrian Arab Republic (SY)3
Cayman Islands (KY)2
Mauritius (MU)2
Myanmar (MM)2
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)2
Ethiopia (ET)2
Netherlands Antilles (AN)2
Uruguay (UY)2
Lesotho (LS)2
Cambodia (KH)2
Bahamas (BS)2
Belize (BZ)2
Iraq (IQ)2
Aruba (AW)2
Fiji (FJ)2
Guatemala (GT)2
Dominican Republic (DO)2
Azerbaijan (AZ)2
Macau (MO)2
Sudan (SD)2
Nepal (NP)2
Kazakstan (KZ)2
Tunisia (TN)2
Holy See (Vatican City State) (VA)2
Faroe Islands (FO)1
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)1
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)1
Ecuador (EC)1
Suriname (SR)1
Paraguay (PY)1
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)1
Bolivia (BO)1
Uzbekistan (UZ)1
Martinique (MQ)1
Algeria (DZ)1
Papua New Guinea (PG)1
Samoa (WS)1
Zimbabwe (ZW)1
Bahrain (BH)1
Guernsey (GG)1
Reunion (RE)1
Moldova, Republic of (MD)1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)1
Botswana (BW)1
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