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Data is provided for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. Thomson Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delay in the content, or for any action taken in reliance on any content. The RIC or Reuters Instrument Code set has been developed and maintained by Thomson Reuters and is the intellectual property of Thomson Reuters.

Indexes: Dow Jones U.S. and international indexes are updated in real-time. Source: Dow Jones & Co.

Other U.S. indexes are updated in real-time, except for the following delayed 15 minutes: PHLX, Russell.

Other international indexes are updated in real-time, except for the following delayed 15 minutes: FTSE, STOXX; delayed 20 minutes: Nikkei. Source: Thomson Reuters.

Currencies: Currencies quotes are updated in real-time. Source: Thomson Reuters.

Bonds: Treasury quotes on this page are updated in real-time between 2:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. ET; change values are calculated based on price at 5 p.m. on the prior day. Charts update every 30 minutes between 9:35 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Source: Thomson Reuters.

Futures: Futures quotes are delayed 10 minutes. Quotes include open auction and electronic trading. Quotes are contracts with highest open interest. Crude Oil is front-month contract. "Change" values may reset to zero during non-trading hours. "Change" values are calculated based on the settlement price from the prior day's open auction session until electronic trading begins for the next trading day, after 6:00 p.m. ET for contracts traded on Globex. Source: Thomson Reuters.
Charts on this page include open auction prices only. Interactive charts on this page: crude oil is front month contract; all other futures are contract month with the highest open interest.

Click on futures contract name for full quotes, settle prices and charts.

*Unusual Volume is the difference between the current volume and 65-day average daily volume, expressed as a percentage of the 65-day average. Includes common, closed end funds, ETFs, ETNs and REITS with prior day close of $5 a share or higher, with average volume of at least 5,000. Source: WSJ Market Data Group

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