Marvel vs Capcom 3/Super-Skrull

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Image: superskrullface.jpg

In a nutshell

Super Skrull is a very deliberate character that generally needs to make precise choices to win. He has a very unique command grab that lets him nab you from very far away, and one that grabs you out of the air as well. Skrull coming at you from behind an assist can be pretty scary. He also hits pretty hard, and his playstyle feels very rewarding very quickly.

Video Walkthrough

Move List

Assist Types

Special Properties
Cross-Over Combination
File:Alpha.png Stone Smite
File:direct.png File:front.png
File:wallbounce.png File:otg.png
File:Beta.png Orbital Grudge
File:direct.png File:front.png
File:Gamma.png Tenderizer
File:direct.png File:upward.png
Skrull Torch

Normal Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Standing Light
Crouching Light
File:d.png + File:l.png
Standing Medium
40,000 + 32,000
Crouching Medium
File:d.png + File:m.png
Standing Heavy
Stone Smite
hold File:h.png
File:wallbounce.png File:otg.png File:jcancel.png
Crouching Heavy
File:d.png + hold File:h.png
Charged Crouching Heavy
File:d.png + hold File:h.png
File:otg.png File:jcancel.png
Elastic Punch
File:f.png + File:h.png
Elastic Punch Up
File:df.png + File:h.png
Standing Special
Jumping Light
air File:l.png
Jumping Medium
air File:m.png
Jumping Heavy
air File:h.png
Skrull Smash
air File:d.png + File:h.png
File:otg.png File:high.png
Jumping Special
air File:s.png
Charged Jumping Special
air, hold File:s.png
File:high.png File:groundbounce.png

Special Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Orbital Grudge
File:qcf.png + File:atk.png
94,800 File:l.png
140,300 File:m.png
171,100 File:h.png
    Fatal Buster
Orbital Grudge, then File:qcb.png + File:h.png
mash File:atk.png (3 button presses)
121,600 File:l.png
121,600 File:m.png
121,600 File:h.png
File:l.png version File:groundbounce.png File:otg.png
Elastic Slam
File:qcb.png + File:atk.png
File:h.png version File:throw.png against air
Meteor Smash
File:dp.png + File:atk.png
File:otg.png File:high.png
Teleport attack, button determines destination
Rolling Hook
File:f.png , File:f.png , File:f.png + File:h.png
can cancel into special move
Worm Squash
File:d.png , File:d.png + File:h.png
File:otg.png File:nocancel.png

Hyper Moves

Special Properties (glossary)
Skull Torch
File:qcf.png + File:atk.png + File:atk.png
File:qcb.png + File:atk.png + File:atk.png
Death Penalty
File:dp.png + File:atk.png + File:atk.png
File:l.png + File:m.png position left
File:l.png + File:h.png position mid
File:m.png + File:h.png position right
File:high.png File:otg.png

Apprentice Combos


Tips and Tricks

  • When Skrull is on point using Assist Y, the Tenderizer, his THC move (Skrull Torch) become a zero frame attack at very close range. This means that if you aren't already blocking when the super flash occurs, you've already been hit.
  • Follow behind slow moving assists, like Doom's rocks or Sentinel's drones. Grab your opponent's before they even get a chance to block these projectiles. If you think they are going to jump back, use the anti-air Elastic slam.
  • Carefully punish projectile users with Meteor Smash, and cancel it into a super for damage.

Finding Good Synergy

  • Finding a team that works well with Skrull can be daunting if you don't have an idea in mind. Starting with the basics:
    • Skrull is a meter-user. His damage, more often than not, comes from his hyper combos.

The Battery

  • With that in mind, you'll need a battery (a character who does decent damage without hypers, and builds hyper meter quickly). Good batteries include:
  1. Haggar
  2. Chun-Li
  3. Taskmaster
  4. Morrigan (meter-building assist)
  5. Zero
  6. Chris Redfield
  7. Amaterasu
  8. Wesker
    • NOTE: Keep in mind that this is a small list of possible batteries. Depending on playstyle, some can even be used on point.

The Assist

Depending on how you use Skrull, you will need an assist to compliment his tactics. If your style is rushdown-oriented, you'll need an assist that leaves virtually no room for the opponent to force their way through your block-string gaps.

  1. Dr. Doom (Hidden Missle)
  2. Sentinel (Sentinel Force Bomb)
  3. Dante (Jam Session)

Basic Strategy

Getting In

Skrull has a variety of ways to close the distance on his opponent, and an answer to almost any situation, making him one of the more versatile characters in the game.


Wave-dashing is a straightforward method to get in. Skrull's dashes are quick, and he can cover ground fairly quickly. It is important to keep in mind that attempting to wave-dash too quickly will result in a Tenderizer, and leave you wide open for a counter-attack, so be careful with this. Be sure not to become too predictable, especially if your opponent knows what's coming.


Skrull's air-dash is unique in the sense that he travels in an upward arc. Once Skrull's air-dash is over, he has no horizontal mobility.

Canceling the Air-Dash

The air-dash can be canceled with:

  • Skrull Smash (File:d.png + File:h.png ) - This move causes Skrull to shoot straight down quickly and cause a ground bounce if it connects, which you can then dash in and follow up with a combo.
  • Charged j.File:s.png - Also stops his horizontal movement, and has incredible range, often crossing up. The move is safe on block, unlike the Skrull Smash, and can also be followed up with a combo. The downside is that it has a huge startup time, and opponents can often stuff it with projectiles/supers/etc.==

Bread and Butter Combos

  • c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) xx File:qcf.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Skrull Torch) OR File:qcb.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Inferno)**
  • j.File:d.png + File:h.png (Skrull Smash), File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash), File:m.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , c.File:d.png + hold File:h.png xx File:qcf.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Skrull Torch) OR File:qcb.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Inferno)** -- ~459,300/597,000dmg
  • File:qcb.png + File:atk.png (Elastic Slam), File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash), File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer), File:qcf.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Skrull Torch) OR File:qcb.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Inferno)**
  • c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash), j.File:d.png + File:h.png (Skrull Smash)(File:groundbounce.png ), File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash) File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer)(File:groundbounce.png ) -- 484,800dmg
  • j. hold File:s.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash), File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) xx File:dp.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Death Penalty)

OTG Assist Combos

NOTE: *Using Wesker's Samurai Edge assist*

  • c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , OTGAssist, followed by:
    • Charged s.File:h.png (Stone Smite), File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) xx File:qcf.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Skrull Torch) OR File:qcb.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Inferno) OR File:dp.png File:atk.png File:atk.png (Death Penalty)
    • c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) xx File:qcf.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Skrull Torch) OR File:qcb.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Inferno) OR File:dp.png File:atk.png File:atk.png (Death Penalty)
  • j. File:d.png + File:h.png (Skrull Smash), File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash), File:m.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , OTGAssist, c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) xx File:dp.png + File:atk.png File:atk.png (Death Penalty) *NOTE: Must be canceled before the 10th hit, as it ground bounces and causes the opponent to roll away*

Advanced Strategy

Elastic Slam Mixups and Strategies

Skrull has some nasty mixup potential with his long-ranged command grab: Elastic Slam. Whether you wave-dash and through it blindly, as an anti-air, or after a block-string, it is definitely a move to be feared, as it can lead it to some damaging combos.

Tenderizer Reset

This move allows for some decent resets if your opponent doesn't know it's coming.

  • Basic Hit Confirm Reset - c.File:l.png , File:m.png , File:h.png (Ground Bounce), File:h.png x3 (Ground Anti-Air Tenderizer) (let opponent air-reset) File:qcb.png + File:h.png (Anti-Air Elastic Slam)
  • Basic Ground-to-Air Combo Reset #1 - c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:atk.png File:atk.png (dash) File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer), File:h.png , (don't cancel immediately), File:qcb.png + File:m.png (Elastic Slam) OR File:qcb.png + File:l.png (Elastic Slam) CORNER ONLY
  • Basic Ground-to-Air Combo Reset #2 (corner only) - c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer) (move like, a pixel forward), c.File:m.png , (don't cancel immediately, let opponent air-reset), File:qcb.png + File:h.png (Anti-Air Elastic Slam)
  • Double Ground-Bounce Reset (corner only) - j.File:d.png + File:h.png (Skrull Smash)(File:groundbounce.png #1 ), File:m.png , File:s.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:m.png , j.File:h.png , j.File:s.png , File:l.png x3 (Ground Tenderizer)(File:groundbounce.png #2 ), File:qcb.png + File:l.png (Elastic Slam)
  • *credit to aer0blue
    • Some air tick-throw/Elastic Slam setups after landing Inferno in the corner. Very handy if your opponent catches on to some of the other setups.
Tick-Throw and Advancing Guard Setups
  • Simple ABC Tick-Throw Setup - c.File:l.png , c.File:m.png , c.File:h.png , (don't cancel immediately), File:qcb.png + File:l.png (Elastic Slam)
  • Rapid Chain Tick-Throw Setup - c.File:l.png x2 xx File:qcb.png + File:l.png (Elastic Slam)
    • Neat thing about this is that the startup of the Slam is longer than the opponent's block-stun, meaning even if you cancel the c.File:l.png , the Slam will connect unless the opponent hits you out of it or jumps. Make sure not to press File:l.png too fast, or a Tenderizer will come out, and that's not good.
  • Once your opponent catches on, punish them accordingly. If they:
  1. Jump, which you can throw out an anti-air Elastic Slam if you see it coming.
  2. Advance Guard - If your opponent likes to Advance Guard often, wave-dash in and do a simple c.File:l.png rapid chain. If they Advance Guard one of the jabs, cancel the next jab with File:qcb.png + File:m.png (Elastic Slam). Keep in mind that this will not always work on all characters (Chris comes to mind, and he is a pretty average-sized character). Throw in a kara-Elastic Slam (explained below) to catch your opponent off guard. This works pretty well in the corner, as the Advance Guard doesn't push back as far. Once you condition your opponent not to Advance Guard anymore, feel free to work Skrull's tick-throw setups.
Kara-Elastic Slam
  • Executed by inputting File:h.png , then canceling the animation halfway with File:qcb.png + File:atk.png (Elastic Slam). If done correctly, you'll gain some sick range, almost full screen(!) with this move.
*credit to 5Ermacs for the video
  • As you can see, by canceling the File:h.png a little after Skrull takes the step forward, you gain the range of that step taken, which is about 3/4ths of the screen.
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