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The Global Clean Energy Race

Bloomberg's Margaret Brennan talks with former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, senior adviser at Pew Charitable Trusts, about U.S. policy on alternative energy

Debate Room

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Forget the Economy. Hire Now

Instead of waiting until the economy strengthens further, employers should fill positions new and old now, before the talent war reignites. Pro or con?


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Johnson & Johnson's Quality Catastrophe

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Baseball: Running the New Numbers

Reams of data from motion-capture technology may soon revolutionize America's pastime

The Great American Ponzi Scheme

Do we want public pensions? There are compelling reasons why we do

In Your Face

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Plagiarism on the Increase

Reader Dan writes: "The rate of plagiarism and cheating on exams has gone up proportionally to the rewards students get both at school and outside school."


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Lee Kwan Yew

The father of modern Singapore addresses Beijing's aspirations, clout, and fears—and explains the shortcomings of state capitalism