
News Feed
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To add a BusinessWeek RSS feed:

There are multiple ways to add new RSS feeds to Pluck.
The 'Add a Feed' Task on the 'RSS Reader' pane launches the 'Add a feed' wizard. Using the wizard you can either search for a feed or manually add a feed. When manually adding a feed you enter the URL of the feed. When you search for a feed you can add it using one of the methods below to add it.

Pluck has the ability to auto-detect when you click on RSS feeds. On most sites RSS feeds are represented by an orange XML button. Clicking on this button causes Pluck to display the feed and adds it to the Surfed Feeds folder on the 'RSS Reader' pane. If this is a feed that you want to keep use drag and drop to move the feed to one of your RSS Folders.

Drag and drop can also be used to add RSS feeds. To add RSS feeds in this manner drag and drop the orange XML buttons to the folder where you want the feed.

You can access the Pluck help center here.