Square Enix shared a new Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection trailer at the game's official site today. Have a look below:

The trailer shows sections from FFIV and The After, along with a bit from the "Interlude" chapter that comes between them (at the 1:39 mark).






Comments (showing 12 of 12)

  • You had no idea how hyped I am, lol. Fortunately Dissidia 012 should keep me busy till then.

  • Disappointing how Square-Enix still would rather push something they cobbled together with very little thought to the source material for easy sales on cell phones, than scrap FF4:TA, start it over and treat the source material with the respect it deserves.

    The only pluses I can say about FF4:TA are that the STARTING PREMISE looked good as did MOST of the cast for it until the game actually went into motion, and it's at least not even half as shamefully disrespectful to the source material as 3rd Birthday was to Aya Brea and both Parasite Eve games.

    Square-Enix seems to love ruining its IPs for easy money from people that don't care much.

  • I'm willing to bite on this one since I like FF4 and I passed over the GBA port and only played a bit of the DS remake.

    My only disappointment was them not simply throwing the 3D DS remake in for the hell of it (just simply up the res to PSP and leave everything else alone). =/

  • I have no idea about The After Years but for me FFIV would be worth the purchase alone, such a great game.

  • Someday I'm gonna be playing this on my PSP2! WhoooW!

  • @salarta

    Well, I get what you're saying, but..this is the first time PSP owners are getting FFIV AND it is also the first time they are able to play The After Years. I never got to play it before, so I'm glad I'll finally get a chance to. If it turns out to suck as bad as people say, that's fine.

    I still get a wonderful port of FFIV with it, which is totally worth it, imo.

  • @salarata: It was written and designed by the same guy who wrote and designed the original FFIV (plus co-directed Chrono Trigger), and that's personally good enough for me.

    Frankly, the only specific complaints I've ever really seen were that it reused locations and resources from the original (duh) and had a plot that generally mirrored the original game TOO closely.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to this. Especially like the new CGI scenes.

    Hope that they get around to porting Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness, too. I'm dying to play a completely new oldschool FF game.

  • "Final Fantasy Legends: Warriors of Light and Darkness"

    I'm all for this. Chances are though, if they ever do bother porting it, it will be for the 3DS. I'd love to see it on PSP, but I doubt it will happen.

  • Why 3DS? It's a 2D mobile game with nothing that would be interesting for 3D or touch mechanics.

    Plus, the 3DS has a way smaller screen than the PSP. Upgrading to hi-resolution sprites like the PSP remakes would be a complete waste, so it would most likely just stick with the GBA-level graphics, and most people would probably want better from a 3DS game.

  • looks awesome :D

    hopefully we do get this :P

    i want the same treatment for FFV and FFVI(hopefully on NGP) :)

  • I would love a FFVI remake on PS3, the game truly deserves it.

  • Allegretto @ without any doubt !! it,s one of the best games ever !! not like 12 and 13 >< and i don,t know u mean ff 4 or 6 ?? anyway the two of them is WOW .. ff 4 is really awesome i play it in ps1 version in 2006 i think or 2005