Best of YouTube: Week of February 21, 2011


Winnipeg girl covers Lady Gaga

10-year-old Maria Aragon became a YouTube sensation this week after covering Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.” Lady Gaga herself has become a fan, saying “Can’t stop crying watching this, this is why I make music. She is the future.”

Hipsters and Arcade Fire

We love Arcade Fire…but some can take things too seriously.

Alex presents: Commando

There are a lot of misconceptions about Africa. We’ve been embedded with images of famine, war and disease by many non-profit companies for a long time. Mama Hope has decided to re-humanize Africa with a series of videos that feature the shared traits that make us all human. In the first video, Alex explains the film, “Commando.”

World’s Fastest Game of Hide and Seek

There is something so inspiring when children are fully enthralled in their time of play. Their excitement and imagination transport themselves to another world where a simple game of Hide and Seek bring pure satisfaction; despite lack of concealed space.

James Earl Jones, Baby

James Earl Jones stopped by the Gayle King show this week and read lyrics to Justin Bieber’s “Baby” on air. His baritone vocals took some juvenile lyrics of heartbreak and transformed them into a prestigious story of loss and regret.

Animatronic Eye Mechanism

If the brilliance of Watson on Jeopardy! last week didn’t conjure up the idea that robotic humanoids may eventually take over Earth, maybe this video will bring you up to speed at the possibility. Like Ken, we welcome our new computer overlords.

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