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Libyan rebels fortify for new attacks
BREGA, Libya, March 4 (UPI) -- Moammar Gadhafi's forces gunned down non-violent protesters Friday in Zawiya, Libya, 30 miles west of Tripoli, witnesses reported.
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Michelle Obama and Margarita Zavala reading to schoolchildren
CPPCC begins in China
Rebel recruits train in Libya
Lady Gaga performs in New York
Anti-regime demonstrations in Bahraini capital
The Red Carpet at the Oscars
Bows, arrows and gambling: Archery thrives in rural India
By Ramzauva Chhakchhuak, Written for UPI
In the hilly Indian state of Meghalaya, archery has evolved into a form of gambling that drives local economies, but could erode long-held traditions.
Obama departs White House for Miami
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